



金诚杰,男,博士,副研究员,硕士研究生导师,1985年生。2008年本科毕业于东南大学交通工程专业,获学士学位,20149月毕业于东南大学交通运输规划与管理专业,获博士学位,201411月留校任教。 20158月至20168月在荷兰代尔夫特理工大学做访问学者。2015年获得中国智能交通协会优秀博士学位论文奖和东南大学优秀博士学位论文奖,2019年获评为东南大学至善青年学者。2010年至2024年初在相关领域发表论文40余篇,其中第一作者SCI论文28篇,通讯作者2。为多个国内外知名刊物担任过审稿人,包括Transportation Research Part CIEEE Transaction on ITSTransportmetrica ATransportmetrica BPhysica A等等。




1. 行人路径选择模型(近年的重点方向/出行行为)



2. 行人微观运动模型(传统方向/交通流理论)



3. 行人目标检测和轨迹追踪算法(竞赛的主要方向/计算机视觉)



4. 其它和人工智能技术、智慧交通应用相关的研究(未来关注的方向/也包含和车辆交通相关的领域):





















1. 基于大规模实验的高密度行人流运动机理和建模仿真,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,No.718010362019.1-2021.12,负责人

2. 基于监控视频的高速公路交通流无换道跟驰行为研究,江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目,No.BK201506192015.7- 2018.6,负责人

3. 基于开放式小区背景下的路网安全评价与规划方法研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,No.717010422018.1- 2020.12,主要参与人

4. 基于视频交通冲突的信号交叉口主动安全评价与设计优化研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,No.717010462018.1- 2020.12,主要参与人

5. 快速道路亚稳态交通环境下网联车辆行为协同优化,国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.718710572019.1-2022.12,主要参与人

6. 面向智能网联环境的快速路瓶颈区域通行能力分析与提升方法研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,No.518781612019.1- 2022.12,主要参与人

7. 电力市场环境下基于实时交通流的电动车充电设施交易模式及运行优化研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,No.518070242019.1-2021.12,主要参与人




(1) Cheng-Jie Jin, Chenyang Wu, Yuchen Song, Tongfei Liu, Dawei Li, Rui Jiang, Shuyi Fang. The route choices of pedestrians under crowded and non-emergency conditions: Two-route experiments and modeling. Journal of Choice Modelling 2024, 50: 100463.

(2) Gengwei Liao, Cheng-Jie Jin*, Xuejian Yao. A Lightweight Algorithm for Pedestrian Detection in Overhead Images. Multimedia Systems 2024, 30: article number 158. (通讯作者)

(3) Cheng-Jie Jin, Yuanwei Luo, Chenyang Wu, Yuchen Song, Dawei Li. Exploring the Pedestrian Route Choice Behaviors by Machine Learning Models. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information 2024, 13: 146.

(4) Cheng-Jie Jin, Jiaxin Li, Chenyang Wu, Dawei Li, Rui Jiang. The travel behaviors before and after lockdown: Case study on Shanghai, 2022. Case Studies on Transport Policy 2024, 17: 101220.

(5) Shuyi Fang, Cheng-Jie Jin*, Rui Jiang, Dawei Li. Simulating the bi-directional pedestrian flow under high densities by a floor field cellular automaton model. Physica A 2024, 638: 129626. (通讯作者)

       (6) Cheng-Jie Jin, Ke-Da Shi, Rui Jiang, Dawei Li, Shu-Yi Fang. Simulation of bi-directional pedestrian flow under high densities using a modified social force model. Chaos, Solitons and Fractals, 2023, 172: 113559.

(7) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wenzhang Yang, Rui Jiang, Peng Liao, Shiteng Zheng, Hao Wang. Vessel-following dynamics: Experiment and modeling. Physica A, 2023, 615: 128588.

(8) Cheng-Jie Jin, Ke-Da Shi, Shu-Yi Fang. Simulation of single-file pedestrian flow under high-density condition by a modified social force model. Sustainability, 2023, 15: 8626.

(9) Cheng-Jie Jin, Rui Jiang, Tongfei Liu, Dawei Li, Hao Wang, Xianglong Liu. Pedestrian dynamics with different corridor widths: Investigation on a series of uni-directional and bi-directional experiments. Physica A, 2021, 581: 126229.

(10) Cheng-Jie Jin, Xiaomeng Shi, Ting Hui, Dawei Li, Ke Ma. The Automatic Detection of Pedestrians under the High-Density Conditions by Deep Learning Techniques. Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2021, Article ID 1396326.

(11) Cheng-Jie Jin, Rui Jiang, Dawei Li. Influence of bottleneck on single-file pedestrian flow: Findings from two experiments. Chinese Physics B, 2020, 29: 088902.

(12) Cheng-Jie Jin, Rui Jiang, S. C. Wong, Siqi Xie, Dawei Li, Ning Guo, Wei Wang. Observational characteristics of pedestrian flows under high-density conditions based on controlled experiments. Transportation Research Part C, 2019, 109: 137-154.

(13) Cheng-Jie Jin, Rui Jiang, Ruiwen Li, Dawei Li. Single-file pedestrian flow experiments under high-density conditions. Physica A, 2019, 531: 121718.

(14) Cheng-Jie Jin, Rui Jiang, Wei Wei, Dawei Li, Ning Guo. Microscopic events under high-density condition in uni-directional pedestrian flow experiment. Physica A, 2018, 506: 237-247.

(15) Cheng-Jie Jin, Rui Jiang, Jun-Lin Yin, Li-Yun Dong, Dawei Li. Simulating bi-directional pedestrian flow in a cellular automaton model considering the body-turning behavior. Physica A, 2017, 482: 666-681.

(16) Cheng-Jie Jin, Rui Jiang. Simulating the special features of fundamental diagrams observed by Mori-Tsukaguchi and Helbing et al. in uni-directional pedestrian flow. Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 2017, 023405.

(17) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wei Wang, Rui Jiang, Li-Yun Dong. Simulating pedestrian flow by an improved two-process cellular automaton model. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2017, 28: 1750016.



(18) Cheng-Jie Jin, Rui Jiang, Hong-Feng Liang, Dawei Li, Hao Wang. The similarities and differences between the empirical and experimental data: investigation on the single-lane traffic. Transportmetrica B, 2019, 7: 1323-1337.

(19) Cheng-Jie Jin, Victor Knoop, Dawei Li, Ling-Yu Meng, Hao Wang. Discretionary lane-changing behavior: empirical validation for one realistic rule-based model. Transportmetrica A, 2019, 15: 244-262.

(20) Cheng-Jie Jin, Victor Knoop, Rui Jiang, Wei Wang, Hao Wang. Calibration and validation of cellular automaton traffic flow model with empirical and experimental data. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2018, 12: 359-365.

(21) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wei Wang, Rui Jiang. Four-phase or two-phase signal plan? A study on four-leg intersection by cellular automaton simulations. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2016, 27: 1650032.

(22) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wei Wang, Rui Jiang, Hongjun Michael Zhang, Hao Wang, Mao-Bin Hu. Understanding the structure of hyper-congested traffic from empirical and experimental evidences. Transportation Research Part C, 2015, 60: 324-338.

(23) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wei Wang, Rui Jiang, Hao Wang. An empirical study of phase transitions from synchronized flow to jams on single-lane highway. Journal of Physics A, 2014, 47: 125104.

(24) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wei Wang, Rui Jiang, Hao Wang. Cellular automaton simulations of a four-leg intersection with two-phase signalization. International Journal of Modern Physics C, 2014, 25: 1350099.

(25) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wei Wang, Rui Jiang. On the modeling of synchronized flow in cellular automaton models. Chinese Physics B, 2014, 23: 024501.

(26) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wei Wang, Rui Jiang. Cellular automaton simulations of a T-shaped unsignalised intersection with refined configurations. Transportmetrica A, 2014, 10: 273-283.

(27) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wei Wang, Rui Jiang, Hongjun Michael Zhang, Hao Wang. Spontaneous phase transition from free flow to synchronized flow in traffic on a single-lane highway. Physical Review E, 2013, 87: 012815.

(28) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wei Wang. The influence of nonmonotonic synchronized flow branch in a cellular automaton traffic flow model. Physica A, 2011, 390: 4184-4191.

(29) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wei Wang, Kun Gao, Rui Jiang. Effect of acceleration threshold on the phase transition in a cellular automaton traffic flow model. Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20: 064501.

(30) Cheng-Jie Jin, Wei Wang, Rui Jiang, Kun Gao. On the first-order phase transition in a cellular automaton traffic flow model without a slow-to-start effect. Journal of Statistical Mechanics, 2010, P03018.


(31) Dawei Li, Min Yang, Cheng-Jie Jin, Gang Ren, Xianglong Liu, Haode Liu. Multi-Modal Combined Route Choice Modeling in the MaaS Age Considering Generalized Path Overlapping Problem. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021, 22: 2430-2441.

(32) Dawei Li, Cheng-Jie Jin, Min Yang, Anthony Chen. Incorporating multi-level taste heterogeneity in route choice modeling: From disaggregated behavior analysis to aggregated network loading. Travel Behaviour and Society, 2020, 19: 36-44.

(33) Rui Jiang, Cheng-Jie Jin, Hongjun Michael Zhang, etc. Experimental and empirical investigations of traffic flow instability. Transportation Research Part C, 2017, 94: 83-98.

(34) Dawei Li, Xiaojian Hu, Cheng-Jie Jin, etc. Learning to Detect Traffic Incidents from Data Based on Tree Augmented Naive Bayesian Classifiers. Discrete Dynamics In Nature And Society, 2017, Article ID: 8523495.




