








主要从事道路与交通基础设施智能养护相关研究工作,重点围绕道路养护与长期保存技术,开展数据挖掘与人工智能的道路性能评价分析、道路生命周期养护管理运筹优化、路面结构与材料长期保存、道路材料多尺度表征仿真、低碳环保道路材料研发等方面的研究工作。主持包括美国田纳西州交通部、国家自然科学基金面上项目、江苏省自然科学基金面上项目、国家住建部、江苏省及浙江省交通运输厅项目等各类科研项目。出版专著1部,主编东南大学规划教材2部,发表SCI/EI/核心期刊论文120余篇,授权发明专利10项,软著4项。担任美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)沥青材料委员会(BMC),美国交通研究协会(TRB)路面养护委员会(AHD20) ,中国世界交通大会(WTC)多个国际学术委员会委员,以及中国公路学报、Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and ResilienceCoatingsJournal of Road Engineering等多个国际期刊编委及青年编委,并长期为50余个国际期刊及会议审稿。





























·高速公路路面结构长期保存技术及智能养护(8/12),江苏省综合交通运输学会,科学技术奖,特等奖, 2022

·道路交通基础设施无损智能检测装备与技术研发及应用(3/9),江苏省工程师学会,科学技术奖,一等奖, 2022



·基于数据挖掘的高速公路路面结构性能规律及养护决策技术研究与应用(5/10),江苏省综合交通运输学会,科学技术奖,一等奖, 2021






·Journal of Road Engineering青年编委(2021.11至今)。


·Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience青年编委,2021至今。






·美国交通研究协会(TRB)路面养护委员会(AHD20) 委员,2012至今。

·美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)沥青材料委员会(BMC) 委员,2012至今。








·Advanced Infrastructure Materials(全英文),留学生研究生,选修,48学时。




·江苏省教育厅江苏高校外国留学生英文授课省级精品课程,《Advanced Infrastructure Materials》,2020

·东南大学MOOC开放课程,《土木工程材料Civil Engineering Materials》,2020

·东南大学第一批全英文精品课程立项建设项目,《Civil Engineering Materials》,2019






·The 1st International Competition on Intellgent Simulation of Tranport Infrastructure. Honorable Mention,王双平、李吉汉、王强、李家旺、王翔,2022










[1]董侨,陈雪琴,高英、胡建英、陈先华、徐光霁,Civil Engineering Materials(教材),东南大学出版社,2022.08.

[2]Qiao Dong, Xueqin Chen, Book chapter of Handbook of Sustainable Concrete and Industrial Waste Management, Woodhead Publishing, 2021.12.




[1]Shiao Yan, Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Xiaokang Zhao, Xiang Wang, Performance evaluation of waste cooking oil at different stages and rejuvenation effect of aged asphalt through molecular dynamics simulations and density functional theory calculations. Construction and Building Materials, 2022. 350: p. 128853.

[2]Zhou Zhou, Xingyu Gu*, Qiao Dong, Fujian Ni, Yanxu Jiang, Investigation of the oxidation ageing of RAP asphalt blend binders and mixtures. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2022. 23(3): p. 571-587.

[3]Shiao Yan, Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Changjun Zhou, Shi Dong, Xingyu Gu, Application of waste oil in asphalt rejuvenation and modification: A comprehensive review. Construction and Building Materials, 2022. 340: p. 127784.

[4]Zhen Liu, Siyao Wang, Xingyu Gu*, Zhigang Li, Qiao Dong, Bingyan Cui, Application of a novel EWMA-ϕ chart on quality control in asphalt mixtures production. Construction and Building Materials, 2022. 323: p. 126264.

[5]Zhen Liu, Xingyu Gu, Wenxiu Wu, Xiaoyong Zou, Qiao Dong, Lutai Wang, GPR-based detection of internal cracks in asphalt pavement: A combination method of DeepAugment data and object detection. Measurement, 2022. 197: p. 111281.

[6]Xueqin Chen, Yuhao Wang, Zhenhui Liu, Qiao Dong*, Xiaokang Zhao, Temperature analyses of porous asphalt mixture using steel slag aggregates heated by microwave through laboratory tests and numerical simulations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022. 338: p. 130614.

[7]Xiaokang Zhao, Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Yuanjie Xiao, Debiao Zheng, Fatigue damage numerical simulation of cement-treated base materials by discrete element method. Construction and Building Materials, 2021. 276: p. 122142.

[8]Xiaokang Zhao, Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Fujian Ni, Influence of initial defects on the fatigue behaviour of cement-stabilized macadam base through DEM. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2021: p. 1-12.

[9]Xiaokang Zhao, Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Fujian Ni, Meso-cracking characteristics of rubberized cement-stabilized aggregate by discrete element method. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021. 316: p. 128374.

[10]Xiaokang Zhao, Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Haihang Han, Tianjie Zhang, Evaluation of fatigue performance of cement-treated composites based on residual strength through discrete element method. Construction and Building Materials, 2021. 306: p. 124904.

[11]Song Li, Fujian Ni*, Qiao Dong, Zili Zhao, Xiang Ma, Effect of filler in asphalt mastic on rheological behaviour and susceptibility to rutting. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2021. 22(1): p. 87-96.

[12]Shuwei Li, Xingyu Gu*, Xiangrong Xu, Dawei Xu, Tianjie Zhang, Zhen Liu, Qiao Dong, Detection of concealed cracks from ground penetrating radar images based on deep learning algorithm. Construction and Building Materials, 2021. 273: p. 121949.

[13]Mengyu Huang, Qiao Dong*, Fujian Ni, Liyuan Wang, LCA and LCCA based multi-objective optimization of pavement maintenance. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021. 283: p. 124583.

[14]Dongliang Hu, Xingyu Gu*, Qiao Dong, Lei Lyu, Bingyan Cui, Jianzhong Pei, Investigating the bio-rejuvenator effects on aged asphalt through exploring molecular evolution and chemical transformation of asphalt components during oxidative aging and regeneration. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021. 329: p. 129711.

[15]Haihang Han, Hanyu Deng, Qiao Dong*, Xingyu Gu, Tianjie Zhang, Yangyang Wang, An Advanced Otsu Method Integrated with Edge Detection and Decision Tree for Crack Detection in Highway Transportation Infrastructure. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering, 2021. 2021: p. 9205509.

[16]Qiao Dong*, Xiaokang Zhao, Xueqin Chen, Xiang Ma, Xuqiu Cui, Long-term mechanical properties of in situ semi-rigid base materials. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2021. 22(7): p. 1692-1707.

[17]Qiao Dong*, Guotong Wang, Xueqin Chen, Juan Tan, Xingyu Gu, Recycling of steel slag aggregate in portland cement concrete: An overview. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021. 282: p. 124447.

[18]Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Shi Dong, Jun Zhang, Classification of pavement climatic regions through unsupervised and supervised machine learnings. Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience, 2021. 2(1): p. 5.

[19]Qiao Dong, Xueqin Chen, Shi Dong, Fujian Ni, Data Analysis in Pavement Engineering: An Overview. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2021: p. 1-20.

[20]Zhou Zhou, Xingyu Gu*, Qiao Dong, Fujian Ni, Yanxu Jiang, Investigation of the oxidation ageing of RAP asphalt blend binders and mixtures. International Journal of Pavement Engineering, 2020: p. 1-17.

[21]Zhou Zhou, Xingyu Gu*, Qiao Dong, Fujian Ni, Yanxu Jiang, Low- and intermediate-temperature behaviour of polymer-modified asphalt binders, mastics, fine aggregate matrices, and mixtures with Reclaimed Asphalt Pavement material. Road Materials and Pavement Design, 2020. 21(7): p. 1872-1901.

[22]Zili Zhao, Jiwang Jiang, Fujian Ni*, Qiao Dong, Jitong Ding, Xiang Ma, Factors affecting the rutting resistance of asphalt pavement based on the field cores using multi-sequenced repeated loading test. Construction and Building Materials, 2020. 253: p. 118902.

[23]Xiaokang Zhao, Qiao Dong*, Jiawei Yuan, Xueqin Chen, Jing Yang, Micro-scale characterization of the heterogeneous properties of in-service cement-treated base material. Construction and Building Materials, 2020. 264: p. 120696.

[24]Xiaokang Zhao, Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Qiusi Fan, Ruiqi Li, Influence of mesoscale heterogeneous and initial defects on the fracture of cement-treated base materials. Construction and Building Materials, 2020: p. 121669.

[25]Linyi Yao, Qiao Dong*, Jiwang Jiang, Fujian Ni, Deep reinforcement learning for long-term pavement maintenance planning. Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2020. 35(11): p. 1230-1245.

[26]Xiaowei Wang, Xingyu Gu*, Xinyu Hu, Qian Zhang, Qiao Dong, Three-Stage Evolution of Air Voids and Deformation of Porous-Asphalt Mixtures in High-Temperature Permanent Deformation. Journal Of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020. 32(9): p. 04020233.

[27]Xiang Wang, Xueqin Chen, Qiao Dong*, Ahmad Jahanzaib, Material Properties of Porous Asphalt Pavement Cold Patch Mixtures with Different Solvents. Journal Of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020. 32(10): p. 06020015.

[28]Guotong Wang, Xueqin Chen, Qiao Dong*, Jiawei Yuan, Qianzhe Hong, Mechanical performance study of pervious concrete using steel slag aggregate through laboratory tests and numerical simulation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020. 262: p. 121208.

[29]Jiwang Jiang, Yanjing Zhao, Guoyang Lu, Yingqi Dai, Fujian Ni*, Qiao Dong, Effect of binder film distribution on the fatigue characteristics of asphalt Binder/Filler composite based on image analysis method. Construction and Building Materials, 2020. 260: p. 119876.

[30]Yajin Han, Jiwang Jiang, Fujian Ni*, Qiao Dong, Xuan Zhao, Effect of cohesive and adhesive parameters on the moisture resistance of thin friction course (TFC) with varying mix design parameters. Construction and Building Materials, 2020. 258: p. 119420.

[31]Qiao Dong*, Debiao Zheng, Xiaokang Zhao, Xueqin Chen, Yongfeng Chen, Mesoscale numerical simulation of fracture of cement treated base material during semi circular bending test with discrete element model. Construction and Building Materials, 2020. 261: p. 119981.

[32]Qiao Dong*, Junling Gao, Xueqin Chen, Xiang Wang, Development of a Turpentine Cutback Asphalt Mixture for Porous Pavement Pothole Repair. Journal Of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2020. 32(3): p. 05020001.

[33]Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Hongren Gong, Performance Evaluation of Asphalt Pavement Resurfacing Treatments Using Structural Equation Modeling. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part B: Pavements, 2020. 146(1): p. 04019043.

[34]Jitong Ding, Jiwang Jiang, Fujian Ni*, Qiao Dong, Zili Zhao, Correlation investigation of fatigue indices of fine aggregate matrix (FAM) and asphalt mixture containing reclaimed asphalt pavement materials. Construction and Building Materials, 2020. 262: p. 120646.

[35]Bingyan Cui, Xingyu Gu*, Dongliang Hu, Qiao Dong, A multiphysics evaluation of the rejuvenator effects on aged asphalt using molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020. 259: p. 120629.

[36]Xueqin Chen, Jiawei Yuan, Qiao Dong*, Xiaokang Zhao, Meso-scale cracking behavior of Cement Treated Base material. Construction and Building Materials, 2020. 239: p. 117823.

[37]Xueqin Chen, Guotong Wang, Qiao Dong*, Xiaokang Zhao, Yangyang Wang, Microscopic characterizations of pervious concrete using recycled Steel Slag Aggregate. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020. 254: p. 120149. 


[1]Wanqi Jiang, Qiao Dong*, Tianjie Zhang, Predicting the pavement performance: A comparison on traditional and multivariate time series model, Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements. 2021, CRC Press. p. 426-431.

[2]Liyuan Wang, Tianyou Zhang, Qiao Dong*, Wanqi Jiang, Classification of roughness for asphalt pavement resurfacing treatments based on SVM-KNN machine learning algorithm using LTPP data, Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements. 2021, CRC Press. p. 770-775.

[3]Haihang Han, Tianjie Zhang, Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Yangyang Wang, Pavement roughness level classification based on logistic and decision tree machine learnings, Green and Intelligent Technologies for Sustainable and Smart Asphalt Pavements. 2021, CRC Press. p. 400-405.

[4]Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Shi Dong, Jun Zhang, Classification of pavement climatic regions through unsupervised and supervised machine learnings. Journal of Infrastructure Preservation and Resilience, 2021. 2(1): p. 5.

[5]Qiao Dong*, Xueqin Chen, Xiang Ma, Optimal Timing for Pavement Maintenance Based on the Relationship between Pre- and Post-Treatment Performance Models, International Conference on Transportation and Development 2020. 2020. p. 95-100.



[1]赵晓康, 董侨, 肖源杰, 杜慧, 贾彦顺, 基于细观非均质模型的水稳碎石基层材料疲劳开裂研究. 中南大学学报(自然科学版), 2021. 52(09): p. 3132-3142.

[2]顾兴宇, 李树伟, 董侨, 徐向荣, 徐大伟, 章天杰, 沥青混凝土超声波检测的衰减特征与影响因素研究. 中国公路学报, 2020. 33(10): p. 316-326.

[3]赵晓康, 董侨, 陈雪琴, 顾兴宇, 王丽园, 考虑初始缺陷的水泥基复合材料细观开裂研究. 中国公路学报, 2020. 33(10): p. 230-239.


[1]Qiao Dong, Data Analysis in Pavement Engineering: An Overview, Transportation Research Congress, Hangzhou, China, November 5-7, 2021.



[4]Qiao Dong, Xueqin Chen, Optimal Timing for Pavement Maintenance Based on the Relationship between Pre- and Post-Treatment Performance Models, ASCE/International Conference on Transportation & Development 2020, Seattle, Washington, May 26-29, 2020.












