













2017.01-2019.05 东南大学建筑学院城乡规划系博士后

2018.03-2019.03 教育部学位与研究生教育发展中心评估处借调

2019.06-2022.04 东南大学交通学院交通工程系讲师

2022.04-至今 东南大学交通学院交通工程系副教授






2020.09 江苏省“双创”计划资助

2018.11 中国智能交通协会科学技术一等奖

2017.02 教育部科技进步二等奖






1.华雪东,于维杰等, Influence of Lane Policies on Freeway Traffic Mixed with Manual and Connected and Autonomous Vehicles, Journal of Advanced Transportation, 2020: 3968625.SCI

2.华雪东,王印海等, Control Strategy Optimization for Two-Lane Highway Lane-Closure Work Zones, Sustainability, 2019, 11(17): 4567.SCI

3.华雪东,王炜等. Bus Arrival Time Prediction Using Mixed Multi-Route Arrival Time Data at Previous Stop [J]. Transport, 2018, 33(2):543–554. SCI

4.华雪东,王炜等. Optimizing Phase Compression for Transit Signal Priority at Isolated Intersections [J]. Transport, 2017, 32(4):386-397. SCI

5.华雪东,王炜,王昊. 考虑驾驶心理的城市双车道交通流元胞自动机模型[J]. 物理学报, 2011, Vol. 60(8):084502. SCI

6.华雪东,王炜,王昊. 考虑自适应巡航车辆影响的上匝道系统混合交通流模型[J]. 物理学报, 2016, 65 (8):084503. SCI

7.华雪东,王炜,王昊. 考虑车与车互联通讯技术的交通流跟驰模型[J]. 物理学报, 2016, 65 (1):010502. SCI

8.周伟,华雪东*.Real-Time Traffic Flow Forecasting via a Novel Method Combining Periodic-Trend Decomposition[J]. Sustainability 2020, 12(15), 5891. (SCI)

9.金坤,华雪东*. Reinforcement Learning for Optimizing Driving Policies on Cruising Taxis Services. Sustainability 2020, 12, 8883. (SCI)

10.郑永涛,华雪东 Analysis of a Signalized Intersection with Dynamic Use of the Left-Turn Lane for Opposite through Traffic. Sustainability 2020, 12, 7530.

11.陈坦,华雪东. Modelling Unidirectional Crowd Motion in a Corridor with Statistical Characteristics of Pedestrian Movements[J]. Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 2020, 7483210. (SCI)

12.魏雪延,华雪东.A Stochastic User Equilibrium Model Under Traffic Rationing Based on Mode Shifting Rate[J]. Sustainability,2020, 12(13), 5433. (SCI)

13.李欣然,华雪东. Simulation-Based Electric Vehicle Sustainable Routing with Time-Dependent Stochastic Information [J]. Sustainability, 2020, 12, 2464. (SCI)

14.项昀,华雪东. Investigating Dominant Trip Distance for Intercity Passenger Transport Mode Using Large-Scale Location-Based Service Data [J]. Sustainability, 2019, 11, 5325. (SCI)

15.范琪,华雪东. Space-Time Hybrid Model for Short-Time Travel Speed Prediction [J]. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2018: 7696592. (SCI)

16.董长印,华雪东. 混入智能车的下匝道瓶颈路段交通流建模与仿真分析[J]. 物理学报, 2018, 67(14): 144501. (SCI)

17.朱文博,华雪东. Capacity Modeling and Control Optimization for a Two-Lane Highway Lane-Closure Work Zone [J]. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 2017, 143(12): 04017059. (SCI)

18.张方伟,华雪东. Solution to multiple attribute group decision making problems with two decision makers [J]. Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 2015, 26(2), 329-333. (SCI)

19.邹亚杰华雪东. Hybrid short-term freeway speed prediction methods based on periodic analysis [J]. Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, 2015, 42(8):570-582. SCI

20.华雪东,阳建强等. 车辆协同巡航控制系统设计改进与试验评价[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2019, 19(6), 52-60. (EI)

21.华雪东,于维杰等. The Influence of Travel Distance on Mode Share for Regional Trips in China [C]. Proceedings of the 19th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals, ASCE, 2019, pp 5068-5079. (EI)

22.华雪东,吴忠君等. Design of Connected Cruise Control System with Acceleration Information [C]. 2018 3rd International Conference on Smart City and Systems Engineering (ICSCSE), 2018, pp 518-521. (EI)

23.华雪东,王炜等. Study on the Impedance Function Model for Urban Road with the Influence of Bus Stop [C]. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference of Chinese Transportation Professionals, ASCE, 2011, pp 699-709. (EI)

24.项昀,华雪东. 基于人口迁徙大数据的城市对外交通客运方式优势出行距离研究[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2020, 20(1), 241-246. (EI)

25.范琪,华雪东. 基于广义出行费用的城市综合交通方式优势出行距离研究[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2018, 18(4), 25-21. (EI)

26.吴忠君,华雪东.Improving Bus Operation Reliability Using Real-Time Tactics [C]. 2018 3rd International Conference on Smart City and Systems Engineering (ICSCSE), 2018, pp 518-521. (EI)

27.项昀,华雪东. 区域综合网络货运交通方式的优势运距研究[J]. 交通运输系统工程与信息, 2016, 16(6), 33-39. (EI)

28.王宝杰,华雪东. 基于Kalman滤波行程时间预测的BRT车速诱导[J]. 吉林大学学报(工学版), 2014, 44(1), 41-46. (EI)

29.华雪东,王宝杰等. 设置移位左转的纵列式信号交叉口设计及优化[J].长安大学学报(自然科学版), 2019, 39(1), 107-116. CSCD

30.华雪东,阳建强等. 基于数据融合的公交到站时间组合预测模型[J]. 公路交通科技,2019, 36(2), 112-120. CSCD

31.李晓伟,华雪东等. 多模式综合交通客运方式选择行为差异性—基于强制与休闲型活动出行的对比分析[J]. 西安建筑科技大学学报(自然科学版), 2016, 48(6), 868-873. (CSCD)



1.华雪东,阳建强等. 一种基于城市停车数据的电动汽车充电站选址规划方法. 专利申请号:201710357396.9

2.华雪东,王炜等. 基于车辆定位信息的城市电动汽车充电站选址方法. 专利申请号:201710351215.1

3.华雪东,王炜等. 基于最优公交站间距的主干线公交交叉口信号优先设置方法. 专利申请号:201410108726.7

4.华雪东,王炜等. 一种基于运行时刻表的主干线公交车辆单向优先控制方法. 专利申请号:201410107850.1

5.华雪东,王炜等. 基于多公交线路运行数据融合的城市公交到站时间预测方法. 专利申请号:201410107002.0

6.华雪东,付旻等. 多车道高速公路最外侧车道封闭条件下交通信号控制方法. 专利申请号:201510167289.0

7.王炜,华雪东. 一种基于微博的交通数据获取方法. 专利申请号:201410396110.4

8.王炜,华雪东. 一种双向双车道道路养护施工情况下的交通信号控制方法. 专利申请号:201410546637.0

9.王炜,华雪东. 公交行驶路段社会车辆运行时间预测方法. 专利申请号:201010253016.5

10.王炜,华雪东. 城市公交线路停靠站设置方法. 专利申请号:201010262999.9

11.王炜,华雪东. 一种公交主干线双向绿波信号设置方法. 专利申请号:201210025397.0

12.王炜,华雪东. 降低单车延误的双进口道交叉口渠化设计及信号配时方法. 专利申请号:201210402569.1

13.王炜,华雪东. 一种自主分段式快速公交信号优先控制方法. 专利申请号:201210583464.0

14.王炜,华雪东. 一路一线模式下行人过街信号协同控制方法. 专利申请号:201310087238.8

15.王炜,华雪东. 一种基于城市智能公交系统的公交站点OD获取方法. 专利申请号:201310096380.9

16.王炜,华雪东. 一种基于乘客出行分布的高峰期公交线路跳站运行方法. 专利申请号:201310095924.X

17.王炜,华雪东. 一种降低车辆闯黄灯概率的车速诱导控制方法. 专利申请号:201310101269.4

18.王炜,华雪东. 一路一线直行式公交线路布设与线网优化配置方法. 专利申请号:201310149251.1

19.王炜,华雪东. 用于公交车辆优先通行的行人过街路段的信号调控方法. 专利申请号:201310151239.4

20.王炜,华雪东. 一种保障公交车辆优先通行的车辆调控方法. 专利申请号:201310159382.8

21.华雪东,王炜等. 公共交通数据处理软件V1.0. 软件登记号:2012SR002098



Hua Xuedong


Modern Urban Traffic   Technologies Group, Department of Traffic Engineering

Room 1304, Building of   School of Transportation, Jiulonghu Campus



Personal Information

Hua XuedongLecturerPh.D.



2006.09-2010.06: B.S. degree in Traffic Engineering, School of Transportation, Southeast University

2010.09-2016.12: Ph.D. degree in Transportation Planning & Management, School of Transportation, Southeast University

2013.10-2014.10: Visiting Student, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Washington

Work Experience

2017.01-2019.05: Postdoc, Department of urban and rural planning, School of Architecture, Southeast University

2018.03-2019.03: Specialist, Department of educational quality and evaluation, China Academic Degrees and Graduate Education Development Center

2019.06-Present: Lecturer, Department of Traffic Engineering, School of Transportation, Southeast University


Research Interests

Traffic simulation modeling

Traffic flow theory

Connected and autonomous vehicles simulation

Grants & Contracts

Microscopic modeling and simulation of continuum traffic flow under cooperative vehicle infrastructure environment, from the National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), 2016-2019







