







联系方式:jia_wang@seu.edu.cn; wangjia_tju@hotmail.com




  • 高强钢不锈钢构件性能评估

  • 腐蚀-荷载耦合理论分析及应用

  • 低碳化可拆卸组合结构设计

  • 结构抗疲劳性能评估及设计

  • 塔架结构火灾下性能分析


2015.09-2018.12,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学,土木与环境工程学院,博士(导师:Scientia Prof. Brian Uy,澳大利亚技术科学与工程院院士)





2018.09-2020.11,澳大利亚悉尼大学土木工程学院,研究助理(合作导师:Scientia Prof. Brian Uy,澳大利亚技术科学与工程院院士)


  • 纵向课题:

1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,海洋环境不锈钢螺栓连接节点力学性能劣化机理与寿命预测,2024-2027,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,不锈钢螺栓及其连接件疲劳性能与累计损伤机理研究,2021-2023,主持

3. 中央高校基本科研业务经费,不锈钢螺栓连接组合结构疲劳性能研究,2021-2022,主持

4. 中央高校基本科研业务经费,基于深度特征融合计算机视觉的桥梁智能建造,2022-2023,主持

  • 企业课题:

1. 中交公路规划设计院有限公司,高抗疲劳、超耐腐蚀、强度匹配的锚固体系研发咨询服务,2023-2024,主持

2. 中铁二十一局集团第三工程有限公司,钢箱梁顶推施工关键技术研究,2023-2024,主持

3. 中交公路规划设计院有限公司,基于AASHTO体系的公路桥梁设计指南(钢结构),2022-2023,主持

4. 华昕设计集团有限公司,新吴区伯渎河生态环境治理项目二期工程江溪段人行景观桥舒适度评价,2023-2024,参与

5. 无锡市政建设集团有限公司,宽幅曲线梁桥同步顶升分析与激光扫描监控关键技术研究,2023-2024,参与

6. 芜湖市公路管理服务中心,长跨变坡钢箱梁顶推施工力学特性关键技术研究,2022-2023,参与

7. 中交公路长大桥建设国家工程研究中心有限公司,张靖皋长江大桥锚碇地连墙足尺原型结构试验,2022-2023,参与

8. 无锡市政设计研究院有限公司,伯渎河(锡兴路~高浪路)生态环境治理工程凤鸣桥工程勘察设计-人行桥行人舒适度评价项目,2021-2022,参与

  • 产学研教改:

1. 教育部产学研协同育人项目,上海同豪土木工程咨询有限公司,2021-2022,主持

2. 教育部产学研协同育人项目,东华测试,2023-2024,主持

3. 东南大学品牌专业教改,桥梁结构力学,2020,主持

4. 东南大学教学改革研究与实践项目,新工科背景下《桥梁计算机辅助设计》产教融合课程改革,2023-2024,主持


  • 《桥梁计算机辅助设计I&II》,本科生课程,32学时

  • 《桥梁结构力学》,本科生课程,32学时

  • 《领导力素养II》,本科生课程,16学时


  • 期刊论文:

[1]  Bradford, M. A., Liu, X., Chen, C., Wang, J. (2023). Finite element modelling of lattice angle steel structures exposed to wildland fires. Structures, 56, 104901.

[2]  Zhou, Y., Uy, B., Wang, J., Li, D., Liu, X. (2021). Behaviour and design of stainless steel shear connectors in composite beam. Steel and Composite Structures, 46(2), 175-193

[3]  Li, D., Uy, B., Wang, J., Song, Y. (2022). Assessment of titanium alloy bolts for structural applications. Steel and Composite Structures, 42(4), 553-568.

[4]  Song, Y., Uy, B., Li, D., & Wang, J. (2022). Ultimate behaviour and rotation capacity of stainless steel end-plate connections. Steel and Composite Structures, 42(4), 569-590.

[5]  Nguyen, T. T., Thai, H. T., Li, D., Wang, J., Uy, B., Ngo, T. (2022). Behaviour and design of eccentrically loaded CFST columns with high strength materials and slender sections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 188, 107004.

[6]  Liu, X., Bradford, M., Wang, J. (2022). Load-slip behaviour of single-leg bolted angle steel connections at elevated temperatures. Structures, 43, 1018-1041.

[7]  Jiang, C., Xiong, W., Cai, C. S., Zhu, Y., Wang, J. (2022). Preload loss of high-strength bolts in friction connections considering corrosion damage and fatigue loading. Engineering Failure Analysis, 137, 106416.

[8]  Zhou, Y., Uy, B., Wang, J., Li, D. (2021). Behaviour and design of welded stainless steel beams with compact sections under flexure and shear. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 187, 106996.

[9]  Li, D., Paradowska, A., Uy, B., Wang, J., Proust, G., Azad, S. K., Huang, Y. (2021). Residual stress measurements of lean duplex stainless steel welded sections. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 186, 106883.

[10]  Zhou, Y., Uy, B., Wang, J., Li, D., Huang, Z., Liu, X. (2021). Behaviour and design of stainless steel-concrete composite beams. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 185, 106863.

[11]  Song, Y., Wang, J., Uy, B., Li, D. (2021). Behaviour and design of stainless steel-concrete composite beam-to-column joints. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 184, 106800.

[12]  Huang, Z., Uy, B., Li, D., Wang, J. (2020). Behaviour and design of ultra-high-strength CFST members subjected to compression and bending. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 175, 106351.

[13]  Li, D., Uy, B., Wang, J., Song, Y. (2020). Behaviour and design of high-strength Grade 12.9 bolts under combined tension and shear. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 174, 106305.

[14]  Song, Y., Wang, J., Uy, B., Li, D. (2020). Stainless steel bolts subjected to combined tension and shear: Behaviour and design. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 170, 106122.

[15]  Wang, J., Uy, B., Li, D., Song, Y. (2020). Fatigue behaviour of stainless steel bolts in tension and shear under constant-amplitude loading. International Journal of Fatigue, 133, 105401.

[16]  Song, Y., Wang, J., Uy, B., Li, D. (2020). Experimental behaviour and fracture prediction of austenitic stainless steel bolts under combined tension and shear. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 166, 105916.

[17]  Li, D., Paradowska, A., Uy, B., Wang, J., Khan, M. (2020). Residual stresses of box and I-shaped columns fabricated from S960 ultra-high-strength steel. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 166, 105904.

[18]  Li, D., Uy, B., Wang, J., Song, Y. (2020). Behaviour and design of Grade 10.9 high-strength bolts under combined actions. Steel and Composite Structures, 35(3), 327-341.

[19]  Wang, J., Uy, B., Li, D., Song, Y. (2020). Progressive collapse analysis of stainless steel composite frames with beam-to-column endplate connections. Steel and Composite Structures, 36(4), 427-446.

[20]  Li, D., Uy, B., Wang, J. (2019). Behaviour and design of high-strength steel beam-to-column joints. Steel and Composite Structures, 31(3), 303-317.

[21]  Wang, J., Uy, B., Li, D. (2019). Behaviour of large fabricated stainless steel beam-to-tubular column joints with extended endplates. Steel and Composite Structures, 32(1), 141-156.

[22]  Wang, J., Uy, B., Li, D. (2019). Initial stiffness and moment capacity assessment of stainless steel composite bolted joints with concrete-filled circular tubular columns. Steel and Composite Structures, 33(5), 681-697.

[23]  Waqas, R., Uy, B., Wang, J., Thai, H. T. (2019). In-plane structural analysis of blind-bolted composite frames with semi-rigid joints. Steel and Composite Structures, 31(4), 373-385.

[24]  Song, Y., Uy, B., Wang, J. (2019). Numerical analysis of stainless steel-concrete composite beam-to-column joints with bolted flush endplates. Steel and Composite Structures, 33(1), 143-162.

[25]  Wang, J., Uy, B., Thai, H. T., Li, D. (2018). Behaviour and design of demountable beam-to-column composite bolted joints with extended end-plates. Journal of Constructional Steel Research, 144, 221-235.

[26]  Li, D., Wang, J., Uy, B., Aslani, F., Patel, V. (2018). Analysis and design of demountable circular CFST column-base connections. Steel and Composite Structures, 28(5), 559-571.

[27]  Wang, J., Uy, B., Li, D. (2018). Analysis of demountable steel and composite frames with semi-rigid bolted joints. Steel and Composite Structures, 28(3), 363-380.

[28]  Wang, J., Zhu, H., Uy, B., Patel, V., Aslani, F., Li, D. (2018). Moment-rotation relationship of hollow-section beam-to-column steel joints with extended end-plates. Steel and Composite Structures, 29(6), 717-734.

[29]  王佳, 刘玉擎, 黄李骥, (2016), 高强度钢加劲板焊接残余应力测试及分析, 工程力学, 33(6), 242-249.

[30]  肖维思, 王佳, 刘玉擎, 黄李骥, (2016), 高强度U肋加劲钢板残余应力测试及模拟分析, 同济大学学报(自然科学版), 44(11), 1645-1652.

  •  专利:

[1]  一种多相机拍摄的疲劳裂纹三维测量系统和方法, CN112985303B

[2]  残余应力测定用钻孔仪器, CN203772455U

[3]  一种全体内预应力的波折钢腹板组合箱梁, CN203411890U

[4]  一种双腹预应力纤维增强复合材料-混凝土组合梁, CN203768791U


1.  第八届桥梁工程教学研讨会青年教授说课大赛三等奖,2023

2.  江苏高校外国留学生教学观摩比赛优胜奖,2023

3.  澳大利亚新南威尔士大学全奖,2015

4.  雅居乐奖学金,2010

5.  建发奖学金,2010

6.  新鸿基奖学金,2009

7.  教育部国家奖学金,2009






