








陈甦人教授为美国土木工程师协会(ASCE)会士(Fellow),美国注册土木工程师。入选全球前2%顶尖科学家职业生涯榜和年度榜(领域:土木工程-交通及物流)。基于跨学科研究背景,陈教授同时担任桥梁工程,交通工程及风工程等领域权威期刊副主编和编委职务,其中包括ASCEJournal of Bridge Engineering副主编(2011年至今)及Analytic Methods in Accident Research编辑顾问委员会委员(2019年至今)。




2001-2004  Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, USA  博士

1994-1997  同济大学,上海  硕士

1990-1994  同济大学,上海  学士


2023-至今  东南大学交通学院桥梁工程系,教授,首席教授,博导

2018-2023  Professor (Tenured), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, USA

2012-2018  Associate Professor (Tenured), Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, USA

2006-2012  Assistant Professor, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Colorado State University, USA

2004-2006  Civil Engineer, Michael Baker Corporation, USA.


  • 近年主要期刊论文(各领域10篇。下划线为指导博士生):


1. Yao, K. and Chen, S. (2023). “Percolation-based resilience modeling and active intervention of disrupted urban traffic network during snowstorm”, J. of Transportation Engineering, Part A, ASCE, 149 (5), 04023027.

2.  Wu, Y. and Chen, S. (2023). “Resilience modeling and pre-hazard mitigation planning of transportation network to support post-earthquake emergency medical response”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 230, 108918.

3.   Wu, Y. and Chen, S. (2023). “Transportation resilience modeling and bridge reconstruction planning based on time-evolving travel demand during post-earthquake recovery period”, Sustainability, 15(17), 12751.

4.  Hou, G. and Chen, S. (2022). “Development of travel time functions for disrupted urban arterials with microscopic traffic simulation”, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, 593, 191261.

5.  Zou, Q. and Chen, S. (2021). “Resilience-based Recovery Scheduling of Transportation Network in Mixed Traffic Environment: A Deep-Ensemble-Assisted Active Learning Approach”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 107800.

6.  Wu, Y., Hou, G. and Chen, S. (2021). “Post-earthquake resilience assessment and long-term restoration prioritization of transportation network”, Reliability Engineering and System Safety, 211, 107612.

7.  Hou, G. and Chen, S. (2020). “Study of work zone traffic safety under adverse driving conditions with a microscopic traffic simulation approach”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 145, 105698.

8.   Hou, G. and Chen, S. (2020). “Probabilistic modeling of disrupted infrastructures due to fallen trees subjected to extreme winds in urban community”, Natural Hazards, 102:1323-1350.

9.  Zou, Q. and Chen, S. (2020). “Simulation of Crowd Evacuation under Toxic Gas Incident Considering Emotion Contagion and Information Transmission”, Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, ASCE, 34(3), 04020007.

10. Zou, Q. and Chen, S. (2020). “Resilience Modeling of Interdependent Traffic-Electric Power System Subject to Hurricanes”, Journal of Infrastructure Systems, ASCE, 26(1), 04019034.



1.   Yao, K. and Chen, S. (2022). “Resilience-based adaptive traffic signal strategy against disruption at single intersection”, ASCE J. of Transportation Engineering, Part A, 148(5):04022018.

2.  Hou, G. and Chen, S. (2020). “Study of work zone traffic safety under adverse driving conditions with a microscopic traffic simulation approach”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, 145, 105698.

3.  Hou, G., Chen, S. and Chen, F. (2019). “Framework of simulation-based vehicle safety performance assessment of highway system under hazardous driving conditions”, Transportation Research Part C, 105, 23-26.

4.  Chen, F.Chen, S. and Ma, X. (2018), “Analysis of Hourly Crash Likelihood using Unbalanced Panel Data Mixed Logit Model and Real-time Driving Environmental Big Data”, Journal of Safety Research, 65:153-159.

5.  Ma, X.Chen, S and Chen, F. (2017). “Correlated Random Parameter Marginalized Two-Part Model: An Application to Refined-Scale Longitudinal Crash Rate Data”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, ASCE, 144 (2), 04017071. 

6.  Ma, X.Chen, S., and Chen, F. (2017). “Multivariate Space-Time Modeling of Crash Frequencies by Injury Severity Levels”. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 15, 29-40.

7.  Chen, F.Chen, S. and Ma, X. (2016), “Crash Frequency Analysis Using Hurdle Models with Random Effects Considering Short-term Panel Data”, International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 13(11), 1043.

8.  Ma, X., Chen, S. and Chen, F. (2016). “Correlated random effects bivariate Poisson lognormal model to study single- and multi-vehicle crashes”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)TE.1943-5436.0000882 , 04016049.

9.  Ma, X. Chen, F. and Chen, S (2015). “Modeling crash rates for a mountainous highway using refined-scale panel data”, Journal of Transportation Research Record, 2515, 10-16.

10. Ma, X., Chen, F. and Chen, S. (2015). “Empirical Analysis of Crash Injury Severity on Mountainous and Non-Mountainous Interstate Highways”, Traffic Injury Prevention, 16 (7), 715-723.


1.  Chen, L.Zhou, Y. and Chen, S. (2020). “Hybrid nonlinear seismic analysis of bridges with moving traffic”, J. of Aerospace Engineering, ASCE, 33(1), 04019102. 

2.  Zou, Q., Pool, K. and Chen, S. (2020). “Performance of suspension bridge handers exposed to hazardous material fires considering wind effects”, Advances in Bridge Engineering, 1:2.

3.  Zhou, Y. and Chen, S. (2019). “An interactive nonlinear cable shape and force finding technique of suspension bridges using elastic catenary configuration”, Journal of Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 2019, 145(5): 04019031.

4.  Zhou, Y. and Chen, S. (2018). “Full-response prediction of the coupled long-span bridge and traffic system under spatially varying seismic excitations”, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 23(6): 04018031.

5.  Zhou, Y. and Chen, S. (2018). “Investigation of the live load effects on long-span bridges under traffic flows”, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 23(5): 04018021.

6.  Deng, Y., Li, A. Chen, S. and Feng, D. (2018). “Serviceability assessment for long-span suspension bridge based on deflection measurement”, Structural Control and Health Monitoring, e2254, http://dx.doi.org/10.1002/stc.2254 .

7.  Zhou, Y. and Chen, S. (2016). “Reliability Assessment Framework of the Long-Span Cable-Stayed Bridge and Traffic System Subjected to Cable Breakage Events”, Journal of Bridge Engineering, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)BE.1943-5592.0001000 , 04016133.

8.  Ioannis Gidaris, Jamie E. Padgett, Andre R. Barbosa, Suren Chen, Daniel Cox, Bret Webb and Amy Cerato (2016). “Multiple-hazard fragility and restoration models of highway bridges for regional risk and resilience assessment in the U.S.: a state-of-the-art review”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001672, 04016188. 

9.  Zhou, Y. and Chen, S. (2015). “Framework of nonlinear dynamic simulation of long-span cable-stayed bridges subjected to cable-loss incidents”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001440 , 04015160.

10. Zhou, Y. and Chen, S. (2015). “Dynamic simulation of long-span bridge/traffic system subjected to combined service and extreme loads”, Journal of Structural Engineering, ASCE, 141(9), 04014215. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)ST.1943-541X.0001188.








