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SEUTC Join Seminar: Ikuo Towhata: Rehabilitation Research of Fukushima Nuclear Power Station and the Tsunami Disaster during Japan Earthquake in 2011

On November 29th, Distinguished Professor Ikuo Towhata from University of Tokyo visited Institute of Geotechnical Engineering and delivered an academic report entitled Rehabilitation Research of Fukushima Nuclear Power Station and the Tsunami Disaster during Japan Earthquake in 2011.The host of this academic is institute director Professor Du Yanjun and there were over 40 scholars participating in this report. In the report, Professor Towhata, at first, introduced the occurrence of 9.0 earthquake in east of Japan on March 11th, 2011 and relative disaster along eastern Japan coastline due to the massive destructive tsunami and the contribution he made from 2011 to 2016.  During the report, he also discussed his professional knowledge and the contribution he made to those issues which are irresolvable for experts of nuclear engineering. Professor Towhata attached much importance to the professor ways in geotechnical engineering to restore the Fukushima nuclear power station including some cutting-edge geotechnical techniques such as freezing walls and mud supporting. Professor Towhata also had a pleasant academic exchange and discussion with present scholars.    

Professor Ikuo Towahta is a world famous expert on soil dynamics and prevention and reduction of natural disasters. He gained Bachelor of Engineering, Master of Engineering and Doctor of Engineering in University of Tokyo in 1977,1979 and 1982 respectively. Professor Towahta majorly research in the field of prevention and reduction of natural disasters and especially in seismic engineering and landslide. He published over 400 English paper and 145 of them are catalogued by SCI. He published the work Geotechnical Earthquake Engineering in 2008. Other titles of Professor Ikuo Towhata are as follows.

lProfessor of University of Tokyo                                                                                                                 1994 – 2015

lVice Chairman of International Institute of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering(ISSMGE)       2013 – 2017

lChairman of Japan Site Engineering Society                                                                                             2014 -  2016

lVice Chairman of Japan Earthquake Engineering Society                                                                         2009 – 2012

lChairman of Image Committee of International Institute of Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering (ISSMGE)                                                                                                                                                                         present

lHonorary Professor of University of Tokyo                                                                                                  present

lGuest Professor of University of Kanto                                                                                                       present

lPresident of the Yokohama Energy Research Institute                                                                               present