School of
2 Southeast University Road,
Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Office: 025-52091255

Wang Fei

FEI (Tiffany) WANG

Address: No.2 Sipailou, Nanjing, China


Tel:+86 18801580801



University   of Cambridge

PhD in Engineering


Hong   Kong University of Science & Technology

Master of Science in   Environmental Engineering



Yangzhou   University, China

B. Eng. Of Environmental Engineering                    



Associate   Professor, Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southeast University,   CHINA.



Sub project   leader of Research and application of a heavy metal contaminated site   remediation technology (No. 2016031). (funded by the Jiangsu Prov.)


Principal   Investigator of The effects of temperature on novel   bindersstabilised/solidifiedheavy metal contaminated clays. ($43,420, funded   by The National Natural Science Foundation of China)


Principal   Investigator of The sustainable development   ofstabilised/solidifiedcontaminated soils. ($40,000, funded by The Southeast   University)


Principal   Investigator of The biological availability of novel binder   stabilized/solidifiedcontaminated soils. ($15,000, funded by The Southeast   University)


Long-term   performance and immobilization mechanisms of contaminated soil treated by   stabilization/ solidification(WEST   project &SMiRT project, $1,880,000, funded by UK

Technology Strategy Board)


Efficiency of   Metal extraction from contaminated soils using chelating agents


Effects of   worm compositing on nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium leaching in wheat   field(Funded by Jiangsu Province and Yangzhou University)



F. Wang, Z. Cai, J. Xu (2018).   Effects of curing temperature and dosage on the performance of GGBS-MgO-CaO   in stabilizing/solidifying heavy metal contaminated site soil. Journal of   Testing and Evaluation. (Accept).

F. Wang, Z. Shen, A. Al-Tabbaa   (2018) PC-based and MgO-based binder stabilised/solidified heavy metal   contaminated model soil: Strength and heavy metal speciation in early stage.   Géotechnique. 1-6. DOI10.1680/jgeot.17.p.194.

F. Wang, Z. Shen, H. Wang, (2018)   The performance of cement stabilised/solidified contaminated site soils,   Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering. 40(3), 540-545.

F. Wang, Z. Shen, A. Al-Tabbaa   (2018) An evaluation of stablised/solidified contaminated model soil using   PC-based and MgO-based binders under semi-dynamic leaching conditions.   Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 25(16), 16050-16060.

F. Wang, F. Jin, A.   Al-Tabbaa (2016) Three-year performance of in-situ mass   stabilizedcontaminated site soils using MgO-bearing binders, Journal of   Hazardous Materials. 318, 302-307.

F. Wang, Z. Shen, F. Jin (2016)   Performance of in-situ stabilized/solidified (S/S) contaminated site soils   using cement-bearing binders under different depth, Journal of Southeast   University (Natural Science Edition). 46, 105-110.

F. Wang, H. Wang, A. Al-Tabbaa (2015) Time-dependent   performance of soil mix technologystabilised/ solidified contaminated site   soils, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 286, 503-508.

F. Wang, H. Wang, F. Jin, A. Al-Tabbaa (2015) The   performance of blended conventional andnovel binders in the in-situ   stabilisation/solidification of a contaminated site soil, Journal ofHazardous   Materials. 285, 46-52.

F. Wang, H. Wang, A. Al-Tabbaa (2014) Leachability and   heavy metal speciation of 17-year oldstabilised/solidified contaminated site   soils, Journal of Hazardous Materials. 278, 144–151.

Z. Shen, Y. Zhang,F. Jin,D.S. Alessi, Y. Zhang, F. Wang, O. McMillan, A. Al-Tabbaa, (2018)   Comparison of nickel adsorption on biochars produced from mixed softwood and   Miscanthus, straw. Environmental Science & Pollution Research. 25(15):1-10.

S. Y. Liu, G. H. Cai, J. J. Cao, F. Wang (2017) Influence of   soil type on strength and microstructure of carbonated reactive   magnesia-treated soil. European Journal of Environmental & Civil   Engineering, 1-19.

Y. Chu, S. Liu, F. Wang, G. Cai, H. Bian (2017) Estimation of   heavy metal-contaminated soils’ mechanical characteristics using electrical   resistivity. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. 24 (15):   13561-13575

H.L. Wu, Y.J. Du, F. Wang, M.L. Wei, Y.S. Feng (2017) Study on   the Semi-Dynamic Leaching Characteristics of CD Contaminated Soils   Solidified/Stabilized with Phosphate under the Condition of Acid Rain. Geotechnical   Frontiers, 414-422

F. Jin, F.   Wang, A. Al-Tabbaa, (2016) Three-year performance of in-situ   solidified/stabilizedsoilusing novel MgO-bearing binders, Chemosphere. 144,   681-688.

Z. Shen,   A.M. Som, F. Wang, F. Jin, O. McMillan, A. Al-Tabbaa (2015)·Long-term   impact ofbiochar on the immobilisation of nickel (II) and zinc (II) and the revegetation   of a contaminatedsite, Science of The Total Environment. 542, 771-776.

Z. Shen, F.   Jin, F. Wang, O. McMillan, A. Al-Tabbaa, (2015) Sorption of lead by   Salisburybiochar produced from British broadleaf hardwood, Bioresource   Technology. 193, 553-556.

I. M. C.   Lo, D.C.W. Tsang, T.C.M. Yip, F. Wang, and W. Zhang, (2011)   Significance of MetalExchange in EDDS-flushing Column Experiments,   Chemosphere.83, 7-13.

I. M. C.   Lo, D.C.W. Tsang, T.C.M. Yip, F. Wang, and W. Zhang, (2011) Influence   of injectionconditions on EDDS-flushing of metal-contaminated soil, Journal   of Hazardous Materials 192,667– 675.


H.L. Wu, Y.J. Du, W.Y. Xia, M.L. Wei, F. Wang,   (2016) Remediation of VOCs and SVOCs In Situ Contaminated Soils by   Stabilization/Solidification, Geo-Chicago, USA, 546-556.

S.Q. Shen, Y.J. Du, F. Wang, W.W. Ren, (2016) Hydraulic Conductivity   of Polymer Modified Bentonite Filter Cakes in Calcium Chloride Solutions,   Geo-Chicago, USA, 428-437.

F. Wang, A. Al-Tabbaa (2014) Leachability of   17-year old stabilised/solidified contaminated site soils, Geotechnical   Special Publication. pp. 1612-1624. ISSN 0895-0563.

F. Wang, A. Al-Tabbaa (2014) Time-dependent   performance of soil mix technology mass stabilised contaminated site soils,   7th International Congress on Environmental Geotechnics, Melbourne,   Australia, November 10-14.

F. Wang, D. O’Connor, A. Al-Tabbaa (2012) Initial   Investigation into the Performance of Mass Stabilised Contaminated   Site Soils, the 4th international   conference on soil pollution and   remediation, Yantai, China. Sept.22-24.




Jiangsu   shuangchuang doctor talent project


Schlumberger   Foundation Faculty for the Future fellowship


Certificate of EnterpriseWISE Programme,   Presentedby the Centre for Entrepreneurial Learning (CfEL), part of the Cambridge Judge   Business School


Certificate of “The Great Pearl River Delta Unit--The Asian Program   for Incubation ofEnvironmental   Leaders” Presented by the University of Tokyo, the Hong Kong   University of Science & Technology and Sun Yit-sen University




Member of Chinese Society for Rock Mechanics & Engineering; Jiangsu   Society for Environmental Sciences;Nanjing Environmental Protection Bureau   environmental management of contaminated land consulting experts;Young Members Presidential Group (YMPG) of the   International Society for Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering   (ISSMGE)


Member of Cambridge Philosophical Society


Reviewer, Science and Technology Books, Elsevier; Journal of Hazardous   Materials; Science of the Total Environment; Journal of Materials in Civil   Engineering; Journal of Environmental Radioactivity; Journal of Environmental   Management & Journal of Agricultural Science and Applications (JASA)


Conference organization volunteer, The International Symposium on Geomechanics   from Micro to Macro (IS-Cambridge 2014)


Supervisor,Department of   Engineering at the University of Cambridge (3D8 Building Physics and   Environmental Geotechnics)


Demonstrator, Department of Engineering at the   University of Cambridge (Microprocessor; Statical Equilibrium of Plane   Frameworks)


Oxbridge Interviewer/Volunteer, OxFizz(not-for-profit social enterprise)


STEMAmbassadors,(Science, Technology, Engineering and   Maths) Cambridge University, EngineeringDepartment Outreach; Cambridge University Science Fair Volunteer


Carbon Auditor,   AQA International_AP