Born in November 1964, Shengzhou,Zhejiang, Professor Xiucheng Guo has beenteaching in Southeast University since 1986. During the past two decades, he iscommitted to the research and practice of urban transport planning and design,road safety technology, integrated regional transportation planning andmanagement, urban planning and transit operation, traffic information andtraffic control and other areas and so on. He has served as the advisor for 4post-doctorals, 18 dortors, 60 masters and 30 masters of engineering.
lPh.D. in Transportationplanning and management, Southeast University, 2002
lM.E. in Transportationplanning and management, Southeast University, 1991
lB.E. in Highway and cityroad specialty, Southeast University, 1986
Current position
lDeputy director of AssetManagement Department, Southeast University
lMember of Urban TransportPlanning Academic Committee of China Urban Planning Society
lDeputy director of JiangsuProvince Professional Committee of Comprehensive Transportation of the UrbanPlanning Society
lDirector of Jiangsu RoadAssociation
lDeputy director of JiangsuProvince Institute of Highway Expressway Operation Professional Committee
lExecutive director of Jiangsu Province roadTraffic Safety Association
lExecutive director ofNanjing transportation Association
Main Publications--Monographs
lRoad Accidents Black PointAnalysis
lUrban and Rural PublicPassenger Transport Planning and Organizing
lAnalysis Method andApplication of Freeway Transport Running State
lUrban Rail Traffic NetEvolution Mechanism and Generation Method
lOperational ReliabilityAnalysis and Scheduling
lControl of Ground PublicTransportation, etc.
Main Publications--Teachingmaterials
lUrban Traffic Planning
lRoad Traffic OperationAnalysis Foundation
lCase Analysis ofTransportation Engineering
lRoad Traffic Safety Science
lHighway ConstructionProject Feasibility Study
lConstruction Project inTraffic Impact Analysis Method
lPlanning and Designing ofUrban Parking
lTraffic EngineeringFoundation
lDesign of TrafficEngineering Facilities
lTeaching material
lTransportation EngineeringScience
lTransportation SystemAnalysis
lTraffic Control andManagement
lPlanning Construction andManagement Method of Road Network
lRoad Network Planning
lUrban Traffic PlanningTheory and Application, etc.
Main Publications—Journal papers
lOverall characteristicanalysis of black points in road traffic accidents
lOrganizational patterns ofcity nodes and external traffic based on the efficiency of road network
lStudy of green traffictechnology and policy system in big city
lStudy of urban trafficzoning system construction
lStudy of assignment modeldivision for rail transit passenger volume based on cooperative and competitiveOD joint approach
lRegional logistics demandforecast model
lStudy of passenger flowforecast model on cooperative and competitive OD matrix in urban rail transitin China
lProactive trafficresponsive control based on state space neural network and extended Kalmanfilter
Main Grants & Contracts
lNational Natural Science Foundation Project: Research on HighwayTraffic Accident Black-Spots Analysis Technique
lWorld Bank Loan Projects: Shijiazhuang Urban TrafficImprovement Project, Post Evaluation of Express Network in Southern Jiangsu
lJiangsu Province Soft Science Project: Research on DevelopmentStrategy of Jiangsu Rural Public Passenger Traffic
lJiangsu Province Transportation Technological Projects: Research on First ClassHighway Design Safety Assessment, Research on City Nodes Arterial HighwayConstruction Planning in Jiangsu Province, Research on Government DecisionOriented Freight Transportation Development in Jiangsu and other researchsubjects
lLocal Government Authorized Projects: Urban Traffic StrategicPlanning in Ma Anshan City, Urban Comprehensive Traffic Planning in ZhenjiangCity, The Development Planning of Public Passenger Traffic in Taizhou City,Research on Layout Planning for Comprehensive Passenger Transport Center inJiangsu Province, The Prediction Model of Intercity Passenger Transport Demandbetween Shanghai and Jiangsu, The Adjustment Scheme of Wuxi Rail TransitOpening Ground Transport Network and other more than hundreds Projects.
Main AwardedScientific Projects
lStudy of computersimulation for arterial highway capacity, 3rd prize for science andtechnology progress award of Anhui province
lStudy of freeway networkoperation situation analysis methods and applications in Jiangsu province, 2ndprize for excellent soft science achievement award of Jiangsu province
lStudy of developmentstrategy and tactic of Nanjing rural passenger transportation, 3rd prizefor excellent soft science achievement award of Jiangsu province
lForecast technology andsoftware development for urban transportation planning, 3rd prizefor science and technology progress award of Shijiazhuang
lPlanning of Suqian publicpassenger transportation, 3rd prize for science and technology progressaward of Suqian government
lStudy of interactiverelationship between Suqian transportation system and town development, 2ndprize for science and technology progress award of Suqian government
lComprehensivetransportation planning of Zhenjiang, 2nd prize for excellent surveyand design of Jiangsu urban and rural construction system & The 14thexcellent engineering design award of Jiangsu province)and so on.
Main AwardedTeaching Projects
lConstruction and practiceof traffic planning teaching system, 2nd prize for national teachingachievement award in 2005 & Grand prize for southeast university teachingachievement award in 2004
lInnovation and practice forcultivating compound and applied law talents, 2nd prize for Jiangsuteaching achievement award(higher education category)in 2013
lExcellent teacher award ofBaosteel education foundation in 2006 and so on.