School of
2 Southeast University Road,
Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Office: 025-52091255

Ma Yongfeng

Dr. Yongfeng Ma is currently an Associate Professor in the School of Transportation, Southeast University, China. He received Bachelor and Master’s degree inTransportation Engineering from Hebei University of Technology, China. In 2007, Dr. Ma received his Ph.D degree in Transportation Planning and Management from Southeast   University, ChinaHe has been working at the position of Visiting Scholar in the School of Civil Engineering, Center for Road Safety, Purdue  University, from August, 2014 to September, 2015. His research focus on traffic safety, traffic planning and control, highway design and ITS.


Papers in Refereed Journals

1)Ma Yongfeng, Yuan Li, Zhang Wenbo. Analytical method of minimum spacing of signalized intersections on bidirectional two-lane highways [J]. Journal of SoutheastUniversity (English Edition), 2015, 31 (4).

2)Yongfeng MaWenbo ZhangJian Lu, and Li Yuan. Automated Generation of Traffic Incident Response Plan Based on Case-Based Reasoning and Bayesian Theory. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, Volume 2014pp 1-7, Article ID 920301

3)Yongfeng Ma, Jian Lu, Wenbo Zhang, and Jiguang Zhao. Comprehensive Model for HighwayBridge Maintenance Quality Evaluation in Jiangsu Province, China. Transportation Research Record,2012, Issue Number: 2292, p150-159

4)Du Sheng-pin, Ma Yong-feng. Quantitative Analysis on Complexity of Weaving Segment with Conflicts. Journal of Transportation Systems Engineering and Information Technology. 2014, 14(1):53-58

5)Yongfeng Ma, Wenbo Zhang, Junping Xie, and Jian Lu. Application of Real-Time Automated Traffic Incident Response Plan Management System: A Web Structure for the Regional Highway Network in China. Advances in Mechanical Engineering Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 489623

6)Hongwei Li, Jian Lu, Yongfeng Ma, Yuanlin Liu. Successive-Stage Speed Limit on Exit Ramp Upstream of Direct-Type Freeway in China. Discrete Dynamics in Nature and Society, 2012

7)Li Yuan, Yong-feng Ma, Zhi-yi Lei, and Peng Xu. Driver’s Comprehension and Improvement of Warning Signs. Advances in Mechanical Engineering. Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 582606

8)Hongwei Li, Yongfeng Ma. Logistic Model for Traffic Safety Risk Analysis of Large Bridge, Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology, 2011(20):16-19.

9)MA Yongfeng, Xiang Qiao-jun, LU Jian. Analysis of Signalized Intersection Safety Spacing of Multilane Based on Traffic Flow Stability Distance. China Journal of Highway and Transport, 2010,23(3):83-88. (in Chinese)

10)Ma Yong-feng, Lu Jian, Xiang Qiao-jun, and Sha Hai-yun. Planning Process of Advanced Traveler Information System of Provincial Highway Network. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2008, 25(2):127-133. (in Chinese)

11)Q.J Xiang, Y.F Ma. Framework Design of Highway Traveler Information System of JiangsuProvince in China. IET Intelligent Transportation System. 2007, Vol.1(2): 110-116.

12)Ma Yongfeng, Lu Jian, Xiang Qiaojun, and Wei Lianyu. Optimal route arithmetic with multigoals in highway network based on travel decision-making. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2007, 7(3):100-105. (in Chinese)

13)Ma Yong-feng, Lu Jian, Xiang Qiao-jun, and Sha Hai-yun. Framework Design of Provincial   Highway Traveler Information System. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2007, 24(10):123-128. (in Chinese)

14)Wei Lian-yu, Ma Yong-feng. Supply-demand Coordination Development of Urban Road Traffic System. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2004, Vol.4(4):58-61. (in Chinese)

13)Ma Yong-feng, Lu Jian, Xiang Qiao-jun, and Sha Hai-yun. Framework Design of Provincial   Highway Traveler Information System. Journal of Highway and Transportation Research and Development, 2007, 24(10):123-128. (in Chinese)

14)Wei Lian-yu, Ma Yong-feng. Supply-demand Coordination Development of Urban Road Traffic System. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, 2004, Vol.4(4):58-61. (in Chinese)

Book Chapters

1)Jian John Lu, Guoqiang Zhang, Yongfeng Ma, and Li Yuan. Highway Safety Design Theory and Methods, Science Press, 2011 (in Chinese)

2)Jian John Lu, Guoqiang Zhang, Qiaojun Xiang, and Yongfeng Ma. Comprehensive Evaluation and Forcasting Mehods on Maintenance of Highways with High Functional Class, Science Press, 2010 (in Chinese)

3)Jian Lu, Qiaojun Xiang, Yongfeng Ma, and Junping Xie. Planning Method and Application of Intelligent Transportation System. Phoenix Science Press, 2008 (in Chinese)


1)Temporal-Spatial Evolution and Effects of Speed Dispersion on Traffic Safety under Mixed Traffics.

Principal Investigator, From Jan 2013 to Dec 2015. Amount:250,000 ($41,000), Granted by National Natural and Science Foundation, China.

2)Traffic Safety Assessment Methods and Safety Improvements for Arterial Highways in Hebei, China.

Principal Investigator, From Mar 2010 to Dec 2012. Amount:135,000 ($22,100), Granted by Department of Transportation, Hebei, China.

3)Research on Traffic Safety Assessment Methods and Improvements on Arterial Highways of Shanxi, China.

Co-Principal Investigator, From Oct 2009 to Dec 2010. Amount:680,000 ($111,500), Granted by Department of Transportation, Shanxi, China.

4)Research on Traffic Safety Assessment Methods and Improvements on Freeway Exit Ramps, China.

Co-Principal Investigator, From Oct 2008 to Jul 2011. Amount:1,500,000 ($246,000), Granted by Department of Transportation, China.

5)Other application projects for some local governments, including transportation planning, traffic safety improvements, passenger flow forecasting of metro network planning, etc. Principal Investigator


1)2008 - Present, Transportation System Analysis Based on Operations Research, Enrollment: 76/year

2)2011 - Present, Urban Road Design, Enrollment: 65/year.

3)2008 - 2009, Traffic Engineering, Enrollment: 82/year.

4)2008 - 2010, Highway Capacity, Enrollment: 92/year.


Address: School of Transportation, SoutheastUniversity, 2# Sipailou, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210096, China
