Yanfen Geng
Female, Associate Professor
Department of Harbor, Waterway and Coastal Engineering, School of Transportation,
Southeast University
Address: 2 SiPaiLou Road, Nanjing, 210096, China
Cell phone: 0086-13951906642
Phone: +86-25-83795913
Email: yfgeng@seu.edu.cn
Ph.D, September 2006, Dalian University of Technology
M.S., March 2003, Dalian University of Technology
B.S., July 2000, Dalian University of Technology
2012-now: Associate Professor
2011-2012: University of California, Irvine (UCI),visiting scholar
2010-now: Dean of Department of Harbor, waterway and Coastal Engineering
2007-2012: Assistant Professor
Simulation of hydrodynamics in rivers, estuaries, and coastal waters, Numerical method for shallow water equations;Flood and storm surge on the estuaries region;Sediment transport;Waterway and Coastal Engineering
Geng Y.F, Wang Z.L., Jin S., 2005. FVS Scheme for severe Transient Flow in pipe networks. Journal of Hydrodynamics, Ser. B, 17(5):621 – 628.(EI)
Geng Y.F, Wang Z.L., Jin S.,2006. River systemflood forecasting based on artificial neural network of radial basis function. Journal of Dalian University of Technology, 46(2):267-271. (In Chinese) (EI)
Geng Y.F, Wang Z.L., Jin S.,2007. A Godunov method for water hammer problem based on f inite volume method. Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics.24(4):513-518. (In Chinese) (EI)
Geng Y.F, Wang Z.L., 2007. The numerical modelling of wave run-up using non-linear shallow water equations. Proceedings of the Fourth international Conference on Asian and Pacific Coasts: 193-200.
Geng Y.F, Wang Z.L.,2008. Two-dimensional unstructured finite volume model for bridge pier flow. Hydro-science and Engineering, 2008(4):78-83. (In Chinese)
Geng Y.F, Wang Z.L., Lu Y.J., 2009. The Discretization of Two-dimensional Advection-Diffusion Equation Based on Unstructured Cell Center Finite Volume Method. Chinese Journal of Computational Physics, 26(1): 17-26. (In Chinese) (EI)
Geng Y.F, Wang Z.L., 2012. A coastal ocean model of semi implicit finite volume unstructured grid. China Ocean Engineering, 26(2): 277-290. (SCI)
Courses Taught in Degree Programs at the Southeast University
(1) Hydraulics(undergraduate core)
(2) Special Topics of Hydraulic Engineering (undergraduate core)
(3) Estuarine and Coastal Engineering (graduate core)