School of
2 Southeast University Road,
Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Office: 025-52091255

Liao Peng


Associate Professor

Departmentof Port, Waterway and Coastal Engineering

School ofTransportation, Southeast University

No. 2Sipailou Nanjing 210096, China

Phone: +86-25-83795913



üPh.D.Port,Waterwayand Coastal Engineering, HohaiUniversity, China[2004.02 - 2007.04]

Dissertation: Research on lock capacity at inlandwaterway locks

üM.S.Port,Waterwayand Coastal Engineering, HohaiUniversity, China[2001.09 - 2003.12]

Thesis:Research on lock capacity on the Grand Canal in thenorth of Jiangsu province

üB.S.PortandWaterwayEngineering,Hohai University, China[1997.09- 2001.07]

Academic experience

üUniversity of Maryland, College Park, USA

Visiting Scholar[2015.01 – 2016.01]

üSoutheast University, China

Associate Professor[2011.05 – present]

Assistant Professor[2007.07 – 2011.04]

üHohai University, China

Research Assistant[2002.08 – 2007.06]

service to southeastuniversity

üDirector, Department ofPort, Waterway and Coastal Engineering, School of Transportation,SoutheastUniversity, May 2010 – present


üPort Planning and Layout – 2 credits, 32 hours – 8 times in 2008-2014

üHydraulic Reinforced Concrete Structure – 2.5 credits, 40 hours – 5times in 2008-2012

üCAD Training – 1 credit, 16 hours – 4 times in 2009-2012


üEngineering Project Management – 2 credits, 36 hours – 2 times in 2014-

graduate advisement


1Yang, C.H.“Simulation on scheduling at a waterway lock”, expected May, 2015.

2Zheng, L.“A newecological revetment of restricted waterway and the experimentstudy of wave dissipation performance”, June, 2014.

research projectsdirected at Southeast University

1Hydrodynamic simulation during the dredging of equipment dock in Haiyangnuclear power station, Shandong,No.2Engineering Company Ltd. Of CCCC First Harbor Engineering Company Ltd.2014-2015,CNY 120,000

2Simulationon flood and water exchange inthe reclamationzone at Weitou Bay, Jinjiang,JinjiangWeitou Bay Development and Construction Company, 2013, CNY 300,000

3Simulation on traffic scheduling at Changsha Lock on Xiangjiang River,Tianjin Research Institute for WaterTransport Engineering, MOT, 2012-2013, CNY 30,000

4Optimized layout of the internal waterway based on water exchange in thereclamation zone at Weitou Bay, Jinjiang,NanjingHydraulic Research Institute, 2012, CNY 150,000

5A new structure and its performance of the ecological revetment ininland restricted navigation waterways,Departmentof Transport of Jiangsu Province, 2011-2014, CNY 600,000

6Analysis of lockcapacity on inland waterway based on traffic service quality,National Natural Science Foundation of China(Grant No. 51009028), 2011-2013, CNY 200,000

7Study of hydrodynamicconditions in the navigation channel of Baliwa Lock on the Grand Canal,Department of Transport of Shandong Province,2009-2010, CNY 280,000, co-directed with Dr. Chen, Y.M.

8Study of key technology of ecological navigation waterway constructionin river network region,Department of Transportof Jiangsu Province, 2008-2011, CNY 150,000

9On improvement ofnavigation lock capacity at Changzhou Complex, Xijiang River,Department of Transport of Guangxi ZhuangAutonomous Region, 2008-2010, CNY 100,000

STUDENT researchdirected at Southeast University

1Statistical analysis of vessel traffic flow on the Grand Canal in the northof Jiangsu province,Student Research Training Program of Southeast University,2013-2014,CNY 12,000

2Assessment index and model for service quality of a waterway lock,StudentResearch Training Program of Southeast University, 2012-2013,CNY 15,000

3Model for calculation of lock capacity based on traffic simulation,StudentResearch Training Program of Southeast University,2011-2012,CNY 15,000.



1Pang, X.S., Pan, R.Y. and Liao, P. “On improvement of navigation lockcapacity at Changzhou Complex”.Port & Waterway Engineering, (4), 2011,pp. 114-119. (in Chinese)

2Liao,P. andZhang,W.Analytical model for average lockage tonnageof waterway locks.Journal of Southeast University:Natural ScienceEdition.40(1), 2010, pp. 207-212. (in Chinese)

3Liao, P. “Discussions on analysis methods for waterway lock capacity”.Journal of Waterway and Harbor, 31(5), 2010,pp. 525-532. (in Chinese)

4Liao,P. andZhang,W.Numerical modeling of tidal current of LNG terminalin Caofeidian, Bohai Sea.Journal of Southeast University: EnglishEdition.25(1), 2009, pp. 108-112.

5Liao,P. “Estimation and analysis on delays at busywaterway lock.Journalof Southeast University:Natural ScienceEdition.39(2), 2009, pp. 408-412. (in Chinese)

6Liao,P. andZhang,W.“Research on relationship between the tonnage andarea of inland vessels”.JournalofWuhanUniversity of Technology:Transportation Science & Engineering.33(4), 2009, pp. 639-642. (in Chinese)

7Liao, P. and Ding, T.P. “Study on index of inland normative vessel based onits dimensions”.Port & Waterway Engineering, (4), 2009,pp. 113-116. (in Chinese)

8Liao, P. “Reviewon research of lock capacity at inland waterways”.Hydro-Science and Engineering, (3), 2009, pp. 34-40. (in Chinese)

9Liao, P. “Temporaland spatial distribution of traffic flow in inland waterways”.Hydro-Science and Engineering, (2),2009, pp. 33-38. (in Chinese)

10Liao, P.,Zhang, W., Jiang, Y. and et. al.“Analysis of characteristics of service demand onmain inland waterways in Jiangsu province”.Port &Waterway Engineering.(6), 2008,pp. 122-126. (in Chinese)


1Liao, P. “Analysis of freight vessel arrival distribution on the GrandCanal, China”. Proceedings of the 4th International Conference onTransportation Engineering, ASCE, Chengdu, China, October 2013, pp.1242-1249.

2Liao, P. “Analytical model to estimate lock capacity of a waterway lock”, Annual TRB Meeting,January2013, (13-0840).

3Liao, P. “Study of vessel arrival distribution on the Grand Canal, China”.Annual TRB Meeting,January 2011, (11-0423).

4Zhang, W., Liao, P. and Wang, B. “Study on the impact of reclamation on tidalcurrent in Caofeidian, Bohai Sea”, Proceedings of the 15th Congress ofAPD-IAHR, Chennai, India, August 2006. pp. 969-977.

5Zhang, W. and Liao, P. “Experiment study on effects of offshore pile dikefor beach protection”, Proceedings of XXXI IAHR Congress, Seoul, Korea, September2005, PE-02.


1Liao, P., Ding, T.P., Chen, Y.M. and “Combined structure of boxand plate for ecological revetment”. ZL201420085834.2 (Authorized); 201410068481.X(Opening)


1Chen, Y.M. and Liao, P. “PortPlanning and Layout”. Southeast University Press, 2009, ISBN: 978-7-5641-1896-9


1Liao, P.,and Mao, N. “Hydrodynamic simulation during the dredging ofequipment dock in Haiyang nuclear power station, Shandong, Report for Project 8521001638, Southeast University, November 2014.

2Liao, P., andZheng, L. “A new structure and its performance of the ecologicalrevetment in inland restricted navigation waterways”, Report for Project7621000079, Southeast University, December 2014.

3Liao, P., Cui, Z.and She, X.J.“Simulation on flood and water exchange inthe reclamation zone at Weitou Bay, Jinjiang”, Report for Project8521000990, Southeast University, July 2013.

4Liao, P., Chen, Y. and Gao, S.Y. “Simulation on traffic scheduling atChangsha Lock on Xiangjiang River”, Report forProject8521000837, Southeast University, March 2013.

5Liao, P., She, X.J. and Cui, Z.“Optimized layout of the internal waterway based on water exchange in thereclamation zone at Weitou Bay, Jinjiang”, Report for Project 8521000701,Southeast University, October 2012.

6Liao, P. and Zhang, W. “Study of key technology of ecological navigationwaterway construction in river network region”, Report for Project 8821000045,Southeast University, September 2011.

7Chen, Y.M., Liao,P. and Geng, Y.F. “Study of hydrodynamic conditions in the navigation channelof Baliwa Lock on the Grand Canal”, Report for Project 8521000014, SoutheastUniversity, March 2011.

8Liao, P. “Onimprovement of navigation lock capacity at Changzhou Complex, Xijiang River”,Report for Project 7921000021, Southeast University, May 2010.


1Liao, P. “Study of vessel arrival distribution on the Grand Canal, China”.TRB 90th Annual Meeting,January 23-27,2011, Washington D. C., USA. (11-0423).

2Liao, P. “Discussions on analysis methods for waterway lock capacity”.International Academic Conference onWaterway & Harbor Engineering, October12-13,2010,Tianjin,China.

3Liao, P., Chen, Y.M. and Zhang, W. “Development of technical-biologicalbank protection in Jiangsu province”.Germany-China Seminar on Technical-BiologicalBank Protection, October 29, 2009, Wuhan, China.

4Liao, P. and Zhang, W. “Hydrodynamic modeling of tidal current of LNGterminal in Caofeidian, Bohai Sea”. Proceedings of the 15th Congress of APD-IAHR,August7-10, 2006,IIT Madras, Chennai, India.