School of
2 Southeast University Road,
Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Office: 025-52091255

Yang Ming

Ming Yang, male. Born in Mar. 1980, HarbinHeilongjiangChina. PhD, associate professor, doctoralsupervisor.

Research interests

1. Bridge engineering

2. Bridge design principle

3. Composite structure

4. Transportation environment engineering

Educationand professional experience

1. 1997.09-2001.07 B.E. in Departmentof Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology;

2. 2001.09-2004.01 M.S. in Department of Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, HarbinInstitute of Technology;

3. 2004.03-2008.07 Ph.D. in Departmentof Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology;

4. 2008.10-2010.11 Post doctorin Department of Bridge Engineering, Southeast University;

5. 2010.12-2012.03 Assistantprofessor in Department of Bridge Engineering, SoutheastUniversity;

6. 2012.04-nowAssociate professor in Department ofBridge Engineering, SoutheastUniversity;

7. 2012.12-2013.12 Supervisor for graduate student (Master) in Departmentof Bridge Engineering, SoutheastUniversity;

8. 2013.09-2014.09 Visiting scholar in Department of Civil andEnvironmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh;

9. 2013.12-now Supervisor for graduate student (Master and Ph. D) in Departmentof Bridge Engineering, SoutheastUniversity.

Research projects:

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China: Application based studyof the photocatalytic degradation of NOx on organic semiconductor g-C3N4 usedin civil transportation engineering51208102, host

2. China Postdoctor Science Fund, Research on Bending Behavior of PreflexBeam with Corrugated Web20100471368, host.

3. West traffic construction projectsPrestress Detection Technique for Large-midSpan Concrete BridgeparticipateRank 2.

4. Industry StandardQuality Inspection and Evaluation Standards for Strengthening Engineeringof Highway Bridges, participate, Rank 2.

5. National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaResearch on Static Charactersof Preflexed Trough Beam with Corrugated Webs51078078, participateRank 2.

6. 863 project: Control of Long Span Prestressed Concrete Continuous BoxGirder Bridge Long-Term Deflection and Cracking, participate, Rank 5.

7. Science and technology project of The Traffic Department of JilinProvinceResearch on MechanicalCharacters and Design Principle of Steel-concrete Composite Bridge, participateRank 2.

Achievement andrewards

1. Publication25 papers published. 10were indexed by SCI, 13 were indexed by EI, and 9 were indexed by CSCD.

2. Patents:2 National Patents and 1 Utility Model Patent were filed.

3. Rewards

ChinaAcademyof Urban Planning and Design CAUPD Cup China Construction Science andTechnology Award, Year 2012, First Prize, Ministry of Construction.

Hainan Transportation scientific and technologicalYear Award, Year 2010 , First Prize, Hainan Provincial Department ofTransportation.

Award for science and technology progress, Year 2013,Second Prize, Beijing.


Work phone: +86-025-83794100

Cell phone:+86-13921435168
