Ming Yang, male. Born in Mar. 1980, HarbinHeilongjiang
Research interests
1. Bridge engineering;
2. Bridge design principle;
3. Composite structure;
4. Transportation environment engineering。
Educationand professional experience
1. 1997.09-2001.07 B.E. in Departmentof Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology;
2. 2001.09-2004.01 M.S. in Department of Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, HarbinInstitute of Technology;
3. 2004.03-2008.07 Ph.D. in Departmentof Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology;
4. 2008.10-2010.11 Post doctorin Department of Bridge Engineering, Southeast University;
5. 2010.12-2012.03 Assistantprofessor in Department of Bridge Engineering, SoutheastUniversity;
6. 2012.04-nowAssociate professor in Department ofBridge Engineering, SoutheastUniversity;
7. 2012.12-2013.12 Supervisor for graduate student (Master) in Departmentof Bridge Engineering, SoutheastUniversity;
8. 2013.09-2014.09 Visiting scholar in Department of Civil andEnvironmental Engineering, University of Pittsburgh;
9. 2013.12-now Supervisor for graduate student (Master and Ph. D) in Departmentof Bridge Engineering, SoutheastUniversity.
Research projects:
1. National Natural Science Foundation of China: Application based studyof the photocatalytic degradation of NOx on organic semiconductor g-C3N4 usedin civil transportation engineering(51208102), host
2. China Postdoctor Science Fund, Research on Bending Behavior of PreflexBeam with Corrugated Web(20100471368), host.
3. West traffic construction projects:Prestress Detection Technique for Large-midSpan Concrete Bridge,participate,Rank 2.
4. Industry Standard:Quality Inspection and Evaluation Standards for Strengthening Engineeringof Highway Bridges, participate, Rank 2.
5. National Natural Science Foundation of China:Research on Static Charactersof Preflexed Trough Beam with Corrugated Webs(51078078), participate,Rank 2.
6. 863 project: Control of Long Span Prestressed Concrete Continuous BoxGirder Bridge Long-Term Deflection and Cracking, participate, Rank 5.
7. Science and technology project of The Traffic Department of JilinProvince:Research on MechanicalCharacters and Design Principle of Steel-concrete Composite Bridge, participate,Rank 2.
Achievement andrewards
1. Publication:25 papers published. 10were indexed by SCI, 13 were indexed by EI, and 9 were indexed by CSCD.
2. Patents:2 National Patents and 1 Utility Model Patent were filed.
3. Rewards:
ChinaAcademyof Urban Planning and Design CAUPD Cup
Hainan Transportation scientific and technologicalYear Award, Year 2010 , First Prize, Hainan Provincial Department ofTransportation.
Award for science and technology progress, Year 2013,Second Prize, Beijing.
Work phone: +86-025-83794100
Cell phone:+86-13921435168
E-mail: bartty_ym@sina.com