Tiezhu Li
School of Transportation, Southeast university
2 Si Pai Lou
Email: litiezhu@seu.edu.cn
·Transportation System Planning and Management
·Transportation System Environment and Energy
·Traffic Flow Theory
·Driving Behavior
1.Vehicles driving cycle characteristic and exhausts reduction in Nanjing, Funded by Nanjing Environment Protection Bureau, 2013.
2.Study on the impact from driving behavior on traffic capacity in rainy weather on urban road, Funded by Natural Science Foundation of China(NSFC) (51178111), 2012-2015.
3.Bus fuel consumption and emissions characteristics and simulating based on Portable Emissions Measurement System(PEMS), Funded by NSFC(51008155),2011-2013.
4.Study on the key issues of urban transportation networkair pollution control ,Funded by NSFC(50778041)2008.1-2010.12;
5.Temporal characteristics of Urban environmental transportation capacity, Funded by NSFC(50910105065),20010.1-12 ;
6.Road traffic weather simulation experimental methods and procedure Funded by Intelligent Transportation System Technology Key Laboratory of Ministry of Transport of the People’s Republic of China,2010.1-2010.12