Name:Miao Linchang (Ph.D., Professor)
Address:Institute of Geotechnical Engineering, Southeast University, Nanjing, 210096, China
Office:Room 305 of Geotechnical Engineering Building
Tel/Fax: +86 25 83795836, 86 13601583977(M)
1996~1999.5Hohai University, China
Doctoral Student of Research Institute of Geotechnical Engineering
Specialty:Geotechnical Engineering
1987~1990University of Science & Technology of China
Graduate Student of Dept. of the Earth and Space Science
Specialty: Geophysics
1980~1984Changchun Geological College, China
Undergraduate Student of Dept. of the Application Geophysics
Specialty: Geophysical Prospecting
Tunnel & Ground Engineering, Geo-Environmental Engineering, Soft Soil Behavior & Improvement, Constitutive Model, Unsaturated Soils, Seismic Wave Theory.
2001.4~PresentSoutheast University, Professor, Geotechnical Engineering,
Advanced Soil Mechanics(for graduate)
Geo-environmental engineering(for doctoral students)
1999.6~2001.3 Southeast University, Associate professor, Geotechnical Engineering
Soil Mechanics(for undergraduate)
Advanced Soil Mechanics(for graduate)
Numerical Analysis of Geotechnique(for graduate)
2013 First-Class Award of Academic Progress of the Government of Jiangsu Province (Rank No.1)
2011 Third-Class Award of Academic Progress of Institute of Highway of China (Rank No.1)
2006 Third-Class Award of Academic Progress of the Government of Nanjing City (Rank No.3)
2005 Third-Class Award of Academic Progress of the Government of Jiangsu Province (Rank No.4)
2004 Third-Class Award of Academic Progress of the Government of Jiangsu Province (Rank No.3)
1996 Third-Class Award of Academic Progress of Ministry of Geology and Resource (Rank No.1)
1. Linchang Miao, Fei Wang, , Weihua Lv, and Jie Han. Physical Modeling Study on the performance of the Geosynthetic in Highway Embankment Widening Projects. Submitted to Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 2013.
2. Linchang Miao, Fei Wang, Ying Cui and Shuibin Shi. Deformation and Strength of Cyclic Swelling-Shrinkage of Expansive Soils.
3. Linchang Miao, Yu-Jun Cui, and Ying Cui. Modelling the mechanical behavior of unsaturated soils. Submitted to Engineering Geology, 2013.
4. Linchang Miao, Fei Wang, Jie Han, PE., Weihua Lv, and Jing Li. Properties and Applications of Cement-treated Sand-Expanded Polystyrene Bead Lightweight Fill. ASCE Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 2013, Vol. 25, No. 1, pp86-93. doi:10.1061/(ASCE) MT.1943-5533.0000556,
5. Linchang Miao, Fei Wang and Xinhui Wang, One Dimensional Consolidation of Double-Layered Foundation with Multi-Level Load. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology,2010, Vol. 28, No.1, pp1-24.
6. Linchang Miao, Junhui Zhang, Sandra Houston and Fei Wang. Time-Dependent Deformation Behavior of Jiangsu Marine Clay. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2008, No. 2, pp86-100.
7. Linchang Miao, Xinhui Wang and Edward Kavazanjian, Jr. Consolidation of a Double-Layered Compressible Foundation Partially Penetrated by Deep Mixed Columns. Journal of Getechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering, 2008, No. 8, pp1210-1214. Linchang Miao and Edward Kavazanjian, Jr. Secondary Compression Features of Jiangsu Soft Marine Clay. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology, 2007, Vol. 25, No.2, pp129-144.
8. Linchang Miao, and Sandra L. Houston, Cui Ying and Junping Yuan. Relationship between soil structure and mechanical behavior for an expansive unsaturated clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal,2007, Vol.44,No.2, 126-137.
9. Research of Soil-Water Characteristics and Shear Strength features of Nanyang Expansive Soil, Engineering Geology, 2002(65), No.4,pp261-267. (co-author, in English)
10. Prediction of Soil Suction in Expansive Clay using Artificial Neutral Network. Proceeding of Third International Conference on Unsaturated Soils, 2002,Vol.1,Brazil.
11. Empirical Function Representing the Shear Strength of Unsaturated Soils. Geotechnical Testing Journal, 2001, Vol.30,No.2. (co-author, in English)
12. SASW Method for Evaluating Ground Condition. Proceeding of 12TH ASIAN Regional Conference on Soil Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2003,8, Singapore. (co-author, in English)
13. Research on Dynamic compaction treatment of Foundation for Expressway with Interbeded Liquefaction Soil and Soft Soil. Chinese Journal of Geotechnical Engineering, 1999(4),408-411. (co-author, in Chinese)
14. Research on Electrical Resistivity Feature of Cement-Soil and It’s Application. Chinese Journal of Rock Mechanics and Engineering, 2001(1), 126-130. (co-author, in Chinese)
15. Suction Prediction on Slope Stability of Expansive Soils. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 1998(7),p46-49. (co-author, in Chinese)
16. The Shear Strength of the Unsaturated Soils. Rock & Soil Mechanics,1999,No. 3. (co-author, in Chinese)
17. Consolidation of Unsaturated Expansive Soils. Proceeding of the Second International Conference on Unsaturated Soils,1998, Beijing. (co-author, in English)
18. Evaluation Research ofRaylaigh Wave Method for Liquefaction Foundation. Regional Conference on Geotechnical Aspects of Underground Construction in Soft Ground, 2001, Shanghai. (co-author, in English)
19. The Relationship between Strength and Water Content of Expansive Soils. Rock & Soil Mechanics, 1999,No.2 (co-author, in Chinese)
20. Research of the Strength Characteristics of Unsaturated Expansive Soils Based on General Triaxial Test. Journal of Southeast University,2000(1),121-125. (co-author, in Chinese)
21. A New Methodof Appraising Liquefaction Soil Layers Using SASW. Journal of Southeast University,2000(6a),106-120. (co-author, in Chinese)
22. The Test Research of Deformation rule of Unsaturated Expansive Soils. Dam Observation and Soil Test, 1999, No.3. (co-author, in Chinese)
23. 2D Three component Numerical Modeling in Anisotropic Media. ACTA Geophysica Sinica ,1994,supplement,p413-422. (in Chinese)
24. An Optimized Absorption Boundary Condition. Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum , 1994(2),p53-57. (in Chinese)
25. Research Crossborehole Seismic Observation. Oil Geophysical Prospecting, 1994(5),p574-580. (in Chinese)
26. Using the Wavefront Spreading Method to Solve the Eikonal Equation for Anisotropic media. Geophysical Prospecting for Petroleum , 1998(3),p34-39. (co-author, in Chinese)