School of
2 Southeast University Road,
Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Office: 025-52091255



Chair Prof., Member of The Engineering Academy of Japan

Dr. Eng.

e-mail: zjy890321(at)


Research directions

Transportation and Smart Development: Transdisciplinary Research and Cross-sectoral Practices


Research fields and contents

He promotes transportation-centered transdisciplinary research for smart development (international collaboration, nature-friendly, resource integration, human-centered development, etc.). In the context of the research and practice of built environment and smart technologies, he studies the relationship between transportation and smart development from multiple spatial scales (community, city, regional, international, etc.), aiming to derive the wisdom of transportation that contributes to the construction of China's transportation powerhouse and the world's development. Focusing on future cities and transportation systems, his concrete research topics include, but are not limited to, smart mobility, multi-network integration of transportation and energy systems, integration of comprehensive transportation system and the built environment, and health/medical-engineering integration.


Major achievements

As a top-2% world-class scientist (career-based, announced by Stanford Univ. and Elsevier), he developed various inter-/trans-disciplinary theories and approaches for supporting cross-sectoral policy decisions and demand-oriented technological innovations, which have been applied in the contexts of urban and regional planning, energy, environment, public health, tourism, risks/crisis etc. He has published more than 500 peer-reviewed papers, including those accepted in Nature sub-journals, Trans Res Part A/B/C/D, Transport Policy, J. of Transport Geography, Energy, Science of the Total Environment, Sustainable Cities and Society, Tourism Management, Public Health etc. His research was awarded for 12 times by international journals/conferences (e.g., Best Paper Award of the 21st ITS World Congress). He serves as a reviewer of several ten SCI/SSCI journals, an editorial member of more than ten internationally well-recognized journals, the editor-in-chief of Asian Transport Studies (the top journal of Eastern Asia Society of Transportation Studies (EASTS); 2012-2016), one of the five board member of International Association for Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR), chair of International Choice Modelling Conference (ICMC) 2019 in Kobe, Japan, chair of International e-Conference on Pandemics and Transport Policy by World Conference on Transport Research Society (WCTRS), the co-chair of WCTRS COVID-19 Task Force, a member of Scientific Committee of World Transport Convention (WTC), and the leader of Working Group “Electric Road Systems” belonging to the Technical Committee “Road Infrastructure for Road Transport Decarbonisation”. He has been a member of The Engineering Academy of Japan since 2021.


SCI/SSCI Journals with his papers

(1) Transportation field: Transportation Research Part C (9.022), Transportation Research Part B (7.632), Transportation Research Part D (7.041), Transportation Research Part A (6.615), Accident Analysis & Prevention (6.376), Transport Policy (6.173), Journal of Transport Geography (5.899), Travel Behaviour and Society (5.850), Transportation (4.814), International Journal of Sustainable Transportation (3.963), Journal of Transportation Safety and Security (2.852), International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction (4.842), Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics (3.410), Transportmetrica A: Transport Science (3.277), Transportation Research Record (2.019), Journal of Transportation Engineering (1.930)

(2) Non-transportation fields: Tourism Management (12.879), Annals of Tourism Research (12.853), Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services (10.972), Science of the Total Environment (10.754), Sustainable Cities and Society (10.696), Journal of Sustainable Tourism (9.470), Energy (8.857), Energy Policy (7.576), Safety Science (6.392), Nature – Scientific Reports (5.516), Climate Change (5.174), Public Health (4.984), Tourism Economics (4.582), International Journal of Environmental Health Research (4.477), Journal of Choice Modelling (4.164), Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment (3.821), Environment and Planning B: Urban Analytics and City Science (3.619), Geriatrics & Gerontology International (3.387), Natural Hazards (3.158), Nature – Humanities and Social Sciences Communications (2.731), Social Inclusion (1.543)


Major awards

Best Paper Awards of the 21st ITS World Congress (2014), the journal Expressways and Automobiles, Japan (2010), the 1st International Conference on the Future of Human Mobility, Thailand (2010), 15th Annual Conference of Asia Pacific Tourism Association (2009), IATSS (2008), the 5th APac-CHRIE and the 13th APTA Joint Conference (2007: issued by the journal Tourism Management), The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (2005); The 3rd Kometani-Sasaki Prize (Research Section), Institute of Systems Science Research, Japan (2007); Outstanding Paper Awards of The Eastern Asia Society for Transportation Studies (1999 and 2001); Research Encouragement Award, Japan Society of Traffic Engineers (1994).



1983-1987  Northern Jiaotong University (Beijing Jiaotong University), Major in railway management (Bachelor in engineering)

1987-1988  Northern Jiaotong University (Beijing Jiaotong University), Major in comprehensive transportation planning (quitted for learning in Japan)

1988-1989  Preparatory School for Graduates Going to Japan, Changchun, China (learning Japanese language)

1989-1991  Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan (Research Student, Japan government MEXT scholarship)

1991-1993  Master course, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan (MEXT scholarship), Major in environmental engineering (transportation engineering), Master degree in engineering

1993-1996  Master course, Graduate School of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan (MEXT scholarship), Major in environmental engineering (transportation engineering), Doctor degree in engineering



1996-1998  Research Associate, Faculty of Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan

1998-2000  Transportation Consultant, Tokyo, Japan

2000-2001  Research Fellow / Postdoctoral Researcher, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands

2001-2002  Director, Institute of Social Infrastructure Planning, Tokyo, Japan

2002-2011  Associate Professor, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation, Hiroshima University, Japan

2011-2023.03  Professor, Graduate School for International Development and Cooperation (IDEC), Hiroshima University, Japan

2020-2023.03  Professor, Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University, Japan

2021-present  Member of The Engineering Academy of Japan

2023.04-present  Chair professor, School of Transportation, Southeast University, China



(1) Member, The Engineering Academy of Japan (2021.02 – present)

(2) Editorial Advisory Board, Transportation (2012.08 – present)

(3) Board member, International Association on Travel Behaviour Research (IATBR) (2016 – 2019) [One of the five board members]

(4) Co-chair, WCTRS (World Conference on Transport Research Society) COVID-19 Task Force (2020.04 – present)

(5) Chair, International e-Conference on Pandemics and Transport Policy (ICPT2020), December 7-11, 2020

(6) Member, Scientific Committee, WCTRS, 2021.01 – present

(7) Member, Steering Committee, WCTRS, 2021.01 – present

(8) Co-chair, Transportation Planning Committee, World Transport Convention (WTC) (2019 – present)

(9) Associate Editor of Transportmetrica B: Transport Dynamics (2013 - present)

(10) Associate Editor of Travel Behaviour and Society (2013 - 2016)

 (11) Member, Scientific Committee, World Transport Convention (WTC)

(12) Associate editor, Multimodal Transportation, 2023 – present

(13) Distinguished Advisory Editor, Data Science for Transportation (2021-present)

(14) Associate Editor, Computational Urban Science (2021-present)

(15) Guest editors in journals of Trans Res Part A/B/D, Sustainable Cities and Society, Transport Policy, Transportmetrica, etc.


Details refer to the following tentative URL.