School of
2 Southeast University Road,
Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Office: 025-52091255

YU Hao

YU Hao




Ph.D.inTransportationEngineering Sep.2010Jan.2017


 Dissertation:Integration of Traffic Route Guidance and Signal ControlAdvisor:Prof.Pan Liu Considering Traffic Dynamics

VisitingScholar Dec.2013Jun.2015



B.Eng.inTrafficEngineering Sep.2006Jun.2010


 Thesis:VISSIM-based Simulation Model Research on Speed ControlAdvisor:Prof.HaoWang Measures









  • Intelligenttrafficmanagementandactivecontrol

  • Transportationsafetyandsecurity

  • Dynamictrafficassignment

  • Bigdataandartificialintelligentintransportationanalysis


  • Key technologies and applications of traffic state identification and active control for high-speed roads, China Highway and Transportation Society, the Grand Prize of the China Highway and Transportation Society’s Science and Technology Award, 2023.

  • Theory and method of road traffic safety analysis driven by multi-source data, the Ministry of Education, the First Prize of the Ministry of Education’s Natural Science Award, 2021.

  • COTABestDissertationAward,4th,2018.



  •  Membership

Transportation Research Board Standing Committee on Information Systems and Technology (AED30) 2019-2025


  • Editor

Lead Guest Editor for Special Issue in Journal of Advanced Transportation on Infrastructure Adaptability in Connected and Autonomous Vehicle-Enabled Traffic Flow Dynamics

  • Reviewer(Journals)

TransportationResearchPartB:Methodological,TransportationResearchPartC:EmergingTechnologies,IEEE transactionsonIntelligentTransportationSystems,IEEETransactionsonVehicularTechnology,IEEETransactionsonNeuralNetworksandLearningSystems, AccidentAnalysisPrevention, ACMTransactionsonManagement InformationSystems,AppliedIntelligence,KSCEJournalofCivilEngineering,JournalofTransportationEngineering, IET Intelligent Transport System, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Plos One

  •  Reviewer(Conferences)

TransportationResearchBoardAnnualMeeting2012-2024,WorldTransportConference2017-2024,COTAInter- nationalConference ofTransportationProfessionals2011-2024


  • Principal Investigator, Crash Risk Identification and Regional Signal Control Sponsor:National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province

 Funding:CNY 100,000 with Yu’s portion of CNY 100,000 (100%) Duration:Jan.2024  Dec.2027

  • PrincipalInvestigator,Researchonthecoordinativecontrolforconnectedandautonomousvehiclesatintersection Sponsor:StateKeyLaboratoryofInternetofThingsforSmartCity(UniversityofMacau)

 Funding:MOP 50,000 with Yu’s portion of MOP 50,000 (100%) Duration:Jan.2024  Dec.2025

  • Co-PrincipalInvestigator, Crash risk mechanism and control strategy for the mixed traffic flow in vehicle-road coordination environments


 Funding:CNY 2690,000 with Yu’s portion of CNY 358,600 (13.3%) Duration:Jan.2023  Dec.2027

  • Principal Investigator, Nanjing Science and Technology Innovation Project Sponsor:Human Resources and Social Security Bureau of Nanjing

 Funding:CNY 30,000 with Yu’s portion of CNY 30,000 (100%) Duration:Jan.2023  Dec.2024

  • Principal Investigator, Zhishan Scholar Program of Southeast University Sponsor:Southeast University

 Funding:CNY 300,000 with Yu’s portion of CNY 300,000 (100%) Duration:Jan.2022  Dec.2024

  • CoreResearcher,RoadSafetyDesign


 Funding:CNY 4,000,000 with Yu’s portion of CNY 250,000 (6.25%) Duration:Jan.2019  Dec.2021

  • Principal Investigator, Research on regional signal control optimal with uncertainty in data environment Sponsor:National Natural Science Foundation of China

 Funding:CNY 200,000 with Yu’s portion of CNY 200,000 (100%) Duration:Jan.2019  Dec.2021

  • PrincipalInvestigator, Traffic signal control optimal for arterial network considering uncertainty of vehicle-road coordination


 Funding:CNY 80,000 with Yu’s portion of CNY 80,000(100%) Duration:Apr.2018  Apr.2021

  • Co-Principal Investigator, DUI Tracking System Development and Information Extraction Sponsor:Hawaii Department of Transportation

 Funding:$161,280 with Yu’s portion of $16,000 (10%) Principal Investigator:Guohui Zhang and David Ma Duration:Oct.2018  Sep.2019

  • Core Researcher, Statewide Highway Shoreline Protection Study:Preliminary Field Investigation, Rankings and Recommendations


 PrincipalInvestigator:OceanaFrancis,andCo-PrincipalInvestigators:HorstBrandes,DavidMa,andGuohui Zhang


  • Core Researcher, Low Carbon Transitions of Fleet Operations in Metropolitan Sites Sponsor:National Natural Science Foundation of China


  • CoreResearcher,IntegrationofReginalNetworkTrafficFlowRoutingGuidanceandTrafficSignalControlSystem Sponsor:National Natural Science Foundation of China

 Principal Investigator:Pan Liu Duration:Jan.2011  Dec.2013


  • InstructorDataVisualizationwithPythonLanguage,Fall2022,Fall2023,SoutheastUniversity.

  • InstructorDataStrucutureandAlgorithm,Fall2021,Fall2022,Fall2023,SoutheastUniversity.

  • Co-instructor CEE436:Transportation Engineering, Dr.Guohui Zhang, Spring 2018, Spring 2019, University ofHawaii at Manoa.

  • Co-instructorAnalyticalMethodsinTransportation,Dr.ChengchengXu,Spring2017,SoutheastUniversity

  • Co-instructorTrafficEngineering,Prof.PanLiu,Fall2016,SoutheastUniversity

  • SupervisingStudents(SoutheastUniversity,China):YazhouLi,PeiyinLi,YuWang,Yucheng Wang


 Note:indicates the corresponding author of the paper; # indicates the graduate or under-graduated student under my guidance; my name is highlighted in bold text

Peer-reviewed Journal Papers

  1. Zou,R.,Yu,H.,Yang,H.,Chen,C.,Zhang,G.,2024,SeverityAnalysesofUrbanTwo-Vehicle-InvolvedRear- End Crashes Characterized by Different Configurations Using Mixed Logit Models.Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 150(2).

  2. Zou,R.,Yang,H.,Yu,H.,Chen,C.,Zhang,G.,Ma,D.,2023,Analyzingdriverinjuryseverityintwo-vehicle rear-end crashes considering leading-following configurations based on passenger car and light truck involvement. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 193, 107298.

  3. Zhang,Q.#,Yu,H.,Zhang,G.,Ma,D.,2023,Optimalplanningofflood-resilientelectricvehiclechargingstations.


  1. Wang, Y., Xiong, R., Yu, H., Bao, J., Yang, Z., 2022, A semantic embedding methodology for motor vehicle crash records:A case study of traffic safety in Manhattan Borough of New York City.JournalofTransportationSafety and Security, 14(11), 1913-1933.

  2. Yang, M.#, Yu, H., Bai, L. 2021.Simulation-based evaluation of variation in left-turn paths in the coordinated intersection management, JournalofAdvancedTransportation, 6243530.

  3. Han, Y., Yu, H., Li, Z., Xu, C., Ji, Y., Liu, P., 2021, An optimal control-based vehicle speed guidance strategy to improve traffic safety and efficiency against freeway jam waves.AccidentAnalysisandPrevention, 163, 106429.

  4. Yu, H., Li, Z.#, Zhang, G., Liu, P., Ma, D., 2021, A Fusion Convolutional Neural Network Approach for Driver InjurySeverityAnalysisConsideringUnobservedHeterogeneity.AnalyticMethodsinAccidentResearch,30,100157.

  5. Li,Z.#,Yu,H.,Zhang,G.,Dong,S.,Xu,C.,2021,Network-widetrafficsignalcontroloptimizationusinga multi-agentdeepreinforcementlearning,TransportationResearchPartC:EmergingTechnologies,125,103059.

  6. Yu, H., Liu, P., Fan, Y., Zhang, G., 2021, Developing a Decentralized Signal Control Strategy Considering Link Storage Capacity, TransportationResearchPartC:EmergingTechnologies, 124, 102971.

  7. Guo, Y., Yu, H., Zhang, G., Ma, D., 2021, Exploring the impacts of travel-implied policy factors on COVID-19 spread within communities based on multi-source data interpretations, Health and Place, 69, 102538.

  8. Wu,J.,Liu,P.,Zhou,Y.,Yu,H.,2021,Stationarycondition-basedperformanceanalysisofthecontraflowleft- turnlanedesignconsideringtheinfluenceoftheupstreamintersection,TransportationResearchPartC:Emerging Technologies, 122, 102919.

  9. Yu,H.,Yuan,R.#,Li,Z.#,Zhang,G.,Ma,D.,2020.InvestigateFactorsAffectingDriverInjurySeverityin Snow-Related Rural Single-Vehicle Crashes. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 144, 105587.

  10. Yu, H., Li, Z.#, Zhang, G., Liu P., 2020, Extracting and Predicting Taxi Hotspots in Spatiotemporal Dimensions Using Conditional Generative Adversarial Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, 69(4), 3680-3692.

  11. Zhang, Q.#, Yu, H., Li, Z., Zhang, G., Ma, T., 2020, Assessing Potential Likelihood and Impacts of Landslides on TransportationNetworkVulnerability.TransportationResearchPartD:TransportandEnvironment,82,102304.

  12. Yu,H.,Liu,P.,Li,Z.#,Zhang,G.,Pu,Z.,2020.QuantifyingSignificanceofYoungTravelerCharacteristics in Travel Mode Choices Impacted by E-hailing Services.ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 146(3).

  13. Yu,H.,Liu,P.,Bai,L.,Lu,X.,2019,DynamicTrafficSignalControlStrategiesConsideringTrafficIncident,


  1. Yu,H., Li, Z.#, Zhang, G., Liu, P., 2019, A latent class approach for driver injury severity analysis in highway single vehicle crash considering unobserved heterogeneity and temporal influence, Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 24, 100110.

  2. Li,Z.#,Yu,H.,Chen,X.,Zhang,G.,Ma,D.,2019,Tsunami-inducedtrafficevacuationstrategyoptimization.

Transportation ResearchPart D:Transportand Environment,77,535-559.

  1. Li,Z.#,Yu,H.,Zhang,G.,Wang,J.,2019,ABayesianvectorautoregression-baseddataanalyticsapproach to enable irregularly-spaced mixed-frequency traffic collision data imputation with missing values.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, 108, 302-319.

  2. Yu,H.,Chen,X.,Li,Z.#,Liu,P.,Zhang,G.,2019.Taxi-basedMobilityDemandFormulationandPrediction UsingConditionalGenerativeAdversarialNetwork-DrivenLearningApproaches.IEEEtransactionsonIntelligent Transportation System, 20(10), 3888-3899.

  3. Li, Z.#, Wu, Q., Yu,H., Chen, C., Zhang, G., Tian, Z., Prevedouros, P., 2019.Temporal-Spatial Dimension Extension-BasedIntersectionControlFormulationforConnectedandAutonomousVehicleSystems.Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies104, 234-248.

  4. Bao, J., Yu, H., Wu, J., 2019.Short-term FFBS demand prediction with multi-source data in a hybrid deep learning framework.IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 13(9), 1340-1347.

  5. Yu, H.,Ma,R.,Zhang,H.,2018.Optimaltrafficsignalcontrolunderdynamicuserequilibriumandlinkconstraints in a general network.TransportationResearchPartB:Methodological110, 302-325.

  6. Yu,H.,Liu,P.,Ma,R.,Bai,Lu,2018.Performanceevaluationofintegratedstrategyofvehiclerouteguidance and traffic signal control using traffic simulation.IET Intelligent Transport Systems 12(7), 696-702.

  7. Yu,H.,Liu,P.,Xu,C.,Bai,L.,2017.Optimalintegrationschemesfortrafficvehicleroutesystemandtraffic signalcontrolsystemusingtrafficsimulation.JournalofSoutheastUniversity(NaturalScienceEdition)(Chinese), 2017, 47(5):1026-1031.

  8. Bao,J.,Liu,P.,Yu,H.,Xu,C.,2017.Incorporatingtwitter-basedhumanactivityinformationinspatialanalysis of crashes in urban areas.Accident Analysis & Prevention 106, 358-369.

  9. Yu, H., Liu, P., Chen, J., Wang, H., 2014.Comparative analysis of the spatial analysis methods for hotspot identification.Accident Analysis & Prevention 66, 80-88.

  10. Yu, H., Liu, P., Yang, Z., Chen, Y., 2014.Evaluating the effects of signal countdown timers on traffic safety at signalized intersections.Traffic Information and Secrity 32(2), 6-10.

  11. Fan,R.#,Yu,H.,Liu,P.,Wang,W.,Huang,F.,2013.UsingVISSIMsimulationmodelandSSAMforestimating field measured traffic conflicts at freeway merge areas.IET Intelligent Transport Systems 7(1), 68-77.

  12. Huang, F., Liu, P., Yu, H., Wang, W., 2013.Identifying if VISSIM simulation model and SSAM provide reasonable estimates for field measured traffic conflicts at signalized intersections.Accident Analysis & Prevention 50, 1014- 1024.

  13. Liu,P.,Yu,H.,Wang,W.,Ma,J.,Wang,S.,2012.Evaluatingtheeffectsofsignalcountdowntimerson queuedischargecharacteristicsatsignalizedintersectionsinChina. TransportationResearchRecord:Journalofthe TransportationResearchBoard2286, 39-48.

  14. Liu, P., Qu, X., Yu, H., Wang, W., Cao, B., 2012.Development of a VISSIM simulation model for U-turns at unsignalized intersections.ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering 138(11), 1333-1339.


  1. Yu,H.,Li,Z.#,Yuan,R.,Zhang,G.,2020.DriverInjurySeverityPredictionUsingHighwaySingle-Vehicle Crash Data:A Fusion Convolutional Neural Network Approach.Presentation at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.

  2. Yu,H., Bao, J.#, Bai, L., Liu, P., 2020.Simulation based Traffic Signal Control Strategies Comparison under NormalandIncidentConditions.Presentationatthe99thAnnualMeetingoftheTransportationResearchBoard.

  3. Yuan, R.#, Yu, H., Li, Z.#, Zhang, G., Ma, D., 2020.Investigate Factors Affecting Driver Injury Severity in Snow- Related Rural Single-Vehicle Crashes.Presentation at the 99th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board [Best Young Researcher Award at ANB10].

  4. Zhang, Q.#, Yu,H., Li, Z.#, Zhang, G., 2020, Vulnerability Analysis of the Road Network on Oahu under LandslideSusceptibility.Presentationatthe99thAnnualMeetingoftheTransportationResearchBoard.

  5. Yu, H., Liu, P., Li, Z.#, Zhang, G., Shen, H, 2019.Exploring Factors Affecting Young Travelers’ Mode Choice ConsideringE-hailingServices.Presentedatthe98thAnnualMeetingoftheTransportationResearchBoard.

  6. Yu, H., Liu, P., Zhou, X., 2018.Developing a Decentralized Signal Control Strategy Considering Link Storage Capacity.Presented in the97th Annual Meetingof theTransportationResearchBoard.

  7. Yu,H., Ma, R., Liu, P., Zhang, H., 2015.Optimal Traffic Signal Control Considering DUE Route Choice andQueueSpillbacks.Presentedatthe94thAnnualMeetingoftheTransportationResearchBoard.

  8. Yu, H., Fan, R.#, Luo, X., Liu, P., 2014.Performance evaluation of combined vehicle route guidance and traffic signalcontrolusingtrafficsimulation.Presentedatthe93rdAnnualMeetingoftheTransportationResearchBoard.

  9. Yu, H., Liu, P., Wang, H., Liang, Q., 2012.Kernel density estimation-based method for hazardous road segments identification.In Proceedings of CICTP 2012.

  10. Yu, H., Liu, P., Huang, J., Zhang, X., 2011.Developing the simulation module of traffic operations in vicinity of speed bumps on highways in VISSIM. In Proceedings of ICCTP 2011.


 These patents and software were applied for when working in Southeast University.All patent and software applications are owned Southeast University, except when mentioned otherwise.

  1.  TrafficManagementandOperation

    • (Patent) A safety evaluation method for uncontrolled intersections targeting the trajectory error of intelligent connected vehicles.Issue Date:Feb.14, 2023, Issue Num.:ZL2022100729567.

    • (Patent)Amethodforpredictingandcorrectingthearrivalofvehiclesatintersectionswithintelligentconnected mixed traffic flow signals.Issue Date:Aug.5, 2022, Issue Num.:ZL2021107935734.

    • (Patent)Signalcontroloptimizationsystembasedoncarryingcapacityofdownstreamlink.IssueDate:Jul. 9, 2021, Issue Num.:ZL2018115114944.

    • (Patent) Signal control optimization target switching system based on average saturation of intersection.Issue Date:Feb.26, 2021, Issue Num.:ZL2018115132270.

    • (Software)Real-timeinformationmonitorforintegratedsystemoftrafficrouteguidanceandtrafficsignal control systems.Issue Num.:2014SR001914.

    • (Patent) An integration approach for traffic route guidance system and traffic signal control.Issue Date:Mar. 18, 2015, Issue Num.:ZL2013100086667.

    • (Patent) A varying-weight evaluation of urban intersection based on rank-sum ratio.Issue Date:Jun.3, 2015, Issue Num.:ZL2013100162001.

    • (Patent) An integration approach for traffic route guidance system and traffic signal control in grid network. Issue Date:Mar.16, 2016, Issue Num.:ZL2014102636632.

    • (Patent)Spatial-temporalanalysisbasedtrafficflowdataclearance.IssueDate:May4,2016,IssueNum.: ZL201310008621X.

    • (Patent) An integration system for traffic route guidance system and traffic signal control. Issue Date:Jun.8, 2016, Issue Num.:ZL201410266162X.

    • (Patent) An integration approach for traffic route guidance system and green wave signal control.Issue Date: Jul.21, 2016, Issue Num.:ZL2014102650697.

  2.  TrafficSimulation

    • (Patent) Parameter calibration of simulation model for highway ramp.Issue Date:Apr.13, 2016, Issue Num.: ZL2013100028500.

    • (Software)Geneticalgorithmbasedmulti-purposeparametercalibrationsoftwareforPARAMICS,IssueNum.: 2013SR031268.

  3.  TrafficSafety

    • (Software)Decisionsupportsystemforhighwayspeedcontroldevicesfocusingspeedreductionperformance and safety efficiency.Issue Num.:2011SR0096887.

    • (Patent) Hotspot identification device based on equivalent traffic crash counts.Issue Date:Jul.18, 2012, Issue Num.:ZL2010105948178.

    • (Patent)Aguidancetoimplementingspeedreductionmarkingsbasedonthespeedcontrolperformance.Issue Date:Dec.18, 2013, Issue Num.:ZL2011103942754.

    • (Patent) Hotspot identification system using the distribution of traffic safety index.Issue Date:Jan., 28, 2015,Issue Num.:ZL201310016998X.

    • (Patent) Determine the conflict count based on the conflicting traffic flow characteristics.Issue Date:Apr.15, 2015, Issue Num.:ZL2013100047747.

    • (Patent)Amutatorforspeedcontroldeviceonhotspotsegments.IssueData:Jul.1,2015,IssueNum.: ZL2013100222638.

    • (Patent)Amethodforevaluatingthesafetyperformanceofintersectioninurbanarea.IssueDate:Jun.26, 2016, Issue Num.:ZL2013100089665.