




    团队建立了以国家及省市级纵向课题研究为引领,横向科技咨询服务为支撑的产学研一体化研究体系,并通过专著和教材、博硕士学位论文和科技论文、技术咨询报告的形式形成了系列性的研究成果。近年代表性成果的主要有《城市交通规划(第二版)》《城市步行与自行车交通规划》《城市多模式公共交通运行协调优化方法》《城市客运枢纽规划与设计》等专著;承担了《全省综合交通体系建设的存在问题、重点任务及思路举措》《江苏省中小城市交通综合治理规划导则及技术指引》《江苏省城市慢行交通规划编制研究》《江苏省城市发展绿色交通技术政策研究》等多项省部级科研项目,其中《江苏省城市慢行交通规划编制研究》获得江苏省建设优秀科技成果奖;完成了《雨花台风景名胜区交通组织研究》《中国.赣榆新建欢乐海岸美食城项目交通影响评价报告》《无锡市太湖低碳创新示范区规划交通专项》《淮安白马湖规划控制区综合交通规划》等技术咨询项目,正在开展《高平市综合交通运输体系规划》《赣州市农村客运发展规划》《中山市交通发展白皮书专题研究》等项目;在Transportation Research Part A, Transportation Research Part C, Transportation, Journal of Advanced Transportation, Transportation Research Record等SCI源刊及《现代城市研究》、《规划师》、《城市交通》等核心期刊上发表一系列研究成果。

    Transportation planning and design group, companied with the foundation of Bluesky Studio, has the oldest history and the most solid groundwork as well as the most obvious advantages among research groups. After group integration in 2009, a specific research group, with rational staff structure and clear research system, is consisted of post doctors, doctors, masters and undergraduates.

    Transportation planning and design group, with the core of innovation about basic theory and application research, conducts scientific research innovation activities by interactive study, academic discussion, project practice and so on. Interactive study mainly includes self-study, explanation, question, answer, interaction, comment and summarization of basic readings and criterions, adhere to regular exchange activities involving classic books, major projects and academic papers, timely tracking the latest research information in all fields at home and abroad, actively participating in international conference and training of domestic skills as well as projects declaration or cooperation bid in domestic and overseas. Advocate interdisciplinary cooperation such as the project “transportation planning and improvement in historic blocks” with Architecture and Urban Heritage Protection Studio which is granted as the key laboratory by Ministry of Education.

    The main research fields cover urban transportation and land use interactive development, urban road network planning and design, urban public passenger transportation planning and operation organization, urban rail transit network planning and design, urban pedestrian and bicycle system planning, static traffic planning and management, tourism traffic planning, urban green traffic technology policy and methods of comprehensive control of transportation in small and medium cities.

    The integrated research system is leaded by longitudinal research projects and supported by transverse technology consulting services. What’s more, a series of abundant research results, such as books, degree papers, scientific papers and technical consulting reports, are achieved. In recent years, the main representative achievements are as follows: publication of “urban traffic planning”, “urban walking and bicycle traffic planning”, “development mechanism and organization methods of urban and rural public passenger transport”; completion of a number of provincial research projects including “research on urban green traffic technology policy for Jiangsu province development”, “urban slow traffic planning guidelines in Jiangsu province” which was awarded the outstanding science and technology award in Jiangsu province; projects such as “specific traffic planning of ‘Taihu’ low carbon innovation demonstration zones in Wuxi” , “comprehensive transportation planning of ‘white horse lake’ planning control area in Huai’an” , “comprehensive traffic planning for urban zones with high speed rail station in Suzhou” and “urban comprehensive traffic planning in Suqian” etc; projects on research such as “comprehensive transportation system planning in Gaoping”,”research of traffic development in Zhongshan” ; papers publication in SCI journals such as “Transportation Research Part C”, “Transportation”, “Journal of Advanced Transportation”, “Transportation Research Record” and papers publication in Chinese core periodicals such as “Urban Planning”, “Modern Urban Research”, “Planner”, “Urban transportation of China” and so on.