序号 | 作者 | 论文题目 | 收录/发表 | 期刊/会议/检索号(年,卷(期):页码) |
1 | 李家斌,陈旭梅,李欣,过秀成 | Evaluation of Public Transportation Operation Based on Data Envelopment Analysis | EI收录 | CICTP 2013 |
2 | 马巧英,过秀成,张宁 | Bluetooth-Based Road Traffic Information Collection System Design | EI收录 | ICTIS 2013 |
3 | 孔德文,过秀成,侯佳 | Research on Dynamic Merge Control at Highway Expanding Reconstruction Section | EI收录 | CICTP 2013 |
4 | 梁浩,过秀成,胡军红 | Research on Conflict Point Delay of Left-turning Vehicles at Two Phases Signal Control Intersection | EI收录 | CICTP 2013 |
5 | 刘迎,过秀成,孔德文,梁浩 | Analysis of Traffic Operation Performances at Roundabouts | EI收录 | CICTP 2013 |
6 | 过利超,过秀成,姜晓红 | Evaluation of Rural Passenger Transportation Services with Bus Operation Mode in the Metropolitan | EI收录 | ICTE 2013 |
7 | Jia Hou, Xiucheng Guo, George F. List | Rectangle-clipping Algorithm of Time To Collision for Freeway Traffic Simulation | EI收录 | ICTIS 2013 |
8 | Pu, Juyi, Guo Xiucheng | Emergency Rescue Resource Dispatch of Expressway based on Potential Accidents and GA: Case Study of Henan, China | EI收录 | CAHE2013 |
9 | 濮居一 | 真空荷载作用下劈裂效果分析 | EI收录 | 岩石力学与工程学报(2014,290(S1)) |
10 | 张小辉,过秀成,杜小川,邓润飞 | 综合客运枢纽布局规划要点及编制指引 | 核心收录 | 现代城市研究(2013,(10):115-120) |