

1Dou Xueping, Gong Xiaolin, Guo Xiucheng, Tao TaoCoordination of feeder bus schedule with train service at integrated transport hubsTransportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research BoardSCI
2Dou Xueping, Guo XiuchengSchedule coordination method for last train transfer problemTransportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research BoardSCI
3Gong Xiaolin, Currie Graham, Liu Zhiyuan, Guo XiuchengA disaggregate study of urban rail transit feeder transfer penalties including weather effectsTransportationSCI
4Kong Dewen, Guo Xiucheng, Wu DingxinThe influence of heavy vehicles on traffic dynamics around on-ramp system: cellular automata approachInternational Journal of Modern Physics CSCI
5Zhang Chunbo, Guo Xiucheng, Xi ZhenpingDetermination of observation weight to calibrate freeway traffic fundamental diagram using weighted least square method (WLSM)Promet–Traffic&TransportationSCI
6Zhu Zhenjun, Lu Yang, Zeng Jun, Chen HongshengHighway traffic accident influence area based on vehicle bypass decision-making indexJournal of Advanced TransportationSCI
7Zhu Zhenjun, Guo Xiucheng, Chen Hongsheng, Zeng JunOptimization of urban mini-bus stop spacing: a case study of Shanghai, ChinaTehnicki Vjesnik-Tehnical GazetteSCI
8Zhu Zhenjun, Guo Xiucheng, Zeng Jun, Zhang ShengruRoute design model of feeder bus service for urban rail transit stationsMathematical Problems in EngineeringSCI
9Zhu Zhenjun, Li Zhigang, Liu Ye, Chen Hongsheng, Zeng JunThe impact of urban characteristics and residents’ income on commuting in ChinaTransportation Research Part DSCI
10胡军红, 过秀成, 陶涛, 胡婷婷基于k最短路径的现代有轨电车线网优化东南大学学报(自然科学版)EI
11Tao Tao, Guo Xiucheng, Li Jiabin, Huang YantaoOperating characteristics of a public bicycle sharing system based on the status of stations: a case study in Nanning City, ChinaTRB 2017国际会议
12Zhang Xiaotian, Guo Xiucheng, Xu YueyanStudy on critical accessing distance for pedestrian to urban rail transit: a case study of Nanjing metro line 1CICTP 2017EI会议
13Lin Li, Guo Xiucheng, Tao Tao, Shen HanxiaTemporal-pattern based redistribution strategy of public bicycle system: a case study in NanjingCICTP 2017EI会议
14Shen Hanxia, Guo Xiucheng, Hu Tingting, Lin LiStudy on bus holding control strategies for urban and rural public transit transfer stationCICTP 2017EI会议
15Liu Shanshan, Zheng Yongtao, Zheng Shujie, Fu Yu, Quan MinshenResearch on priority organization mode of modern tramCICTP 2017EI会议
