澳大利亚蒙纳什大学刘志远博士和Nirajan Shiwakoti博士应邀访问工作室


    2014年03月22日15:00-16:00,澳大利亚蒙纳什大学市政工程系刘志远博士和Nirajan Shiwakoti博士应邀来到Bluesky工作室,并在交通学院327室进行了学术交流。

    首先,刘致远博士回顾了以前在工作室学习的美好时光,并且向工作室成员隆重介绍了Nirajan Shiwakoti博士。然后,Nirajan Shiwakoti博士介绍了他的最新研究成果——《Understanding crowd dynamics: from ants to pedestrians》,讲座内容从课题的研究背景、人群模型的建立、未来的研究方向以及课题的独特之处等方面展开。本次讲座内容丰富、言语生动,赢得听众的阵阵掌声。最后,工作室成员与刘志远博士以及Nirajan Shiwakoti博士就相关问题展开积极讨论,深受启发。


    附:Nirajan Shiwakoti博士简介

    Nirajan Shiwakoti Lecturer (Transport Engineering)


    Office:Room 111, Building 60, Clayton Campus

    Qualification:B. Eng. Hons.(Civil), MEng. (Urban & Environment), PhD (Transport), M.I.E.Aust.

    Current Project:

    Innovative tools to improve station design and management of pedestrian crowds (Australian Research Council Industry Linkage Project LP120200361, 2012-2015)

    Managing passenger congestion in transit networks (CSC funded research)

    Managing unplanned disruptions in a railway network

    Simulating pedestrians crowd in an urban network (Faculty of Engineering Seed Fund, Jan. 2013-Dec. 2013) ,

    Innovative approach for passengers crowd modelling in complex situations (ITS grant, May 2011- Present)

    Development of modelling tool for crowd management ( EmSim_Version 1.6 model has already been developed by me)

    Public life and pedestrian activities in urban space (Ongoing)

    Teaching Commitments:


    CIV5304 Intelligent Transportation Systems


    CIV3283 Road Engineering

    CIV2282 Transport and Traffic Engineering

    CIV4210: Fourth year Project A

    CIV4211: Fourth year project B


    Dr Shiwakoti has more than 40 refereed journal, book chapters and conference articles. Some selected publications in past four years are below:

    1. Pender, B., Currie, G., Delbosc, A., Shiwakoti, N., (2014) “Improving bus bridging responses via satellite bus reserve locations”, Journal of Transport Geography , Vol. 34, pp. 202-210

    2. Shiwakoti, N. , Sarvi, M.(2013) Enhancing the panic escape of crowd through architectural design, Transportation Research Part C, Volume 37,Pages 260-267

    3. Pender, B., Currie, G., Delbosc, A., Shiwakoti, N.,(In Press) “Social Media Use in Unplanned Passenger Rail Disruptions: International Study”, Transportation Research Record

    4. Shiwakoti, N. , Sarvi, M. (2013) “Understanding pedestrian crowd panic: A review on model organisms approach”, Journal of Transport Geography , Vol. 26, pp.12-17

    5. Shiwakoti, N.,, Sarvi, M., Burd, M., (2014) “Similar crowd behavior in organisms of vastly different body size”, Journal of Insect Behavior , Vol. 27(2), pp. 239-250

    6. Shiwakoti, N.,, Sarvi, M., Burd, M., (2014) “Using non-human biological entities to understand crowd behavior under emergency condition”, Safety Science, Vol. 66, pp. 1-8

    7. Pender B, Currie G, Delbosc A and Shiwakoti, N. , (2013)Disruption Recovery in Passenger Railways International Survey Transportation Research Record, Volume 2353 / Transit 2013, Vol. 4 pp. 22-32

    8. Dias, C., Sarvi, M., Shiwakoti, N., Ejtemai, O., Burd, M.(2013) “Investigating collective behaviours in complex situations”, Safety Science, Vol. 60, pp.87-94

    9. Dias, C., Sarvi, M., Shiwakoti, N., Burd, M.(2012) “Turning angle effect on emergency egress: experimental evidence and pedestrian crowd simulation”, Transportation Research Record , Washington, D.C., Vol. 2312, pp. 120-127

    10. Shiwakoti N., Liu, Z. Hopkins, T. & Young, W. (2013) “An Overview on Multimodal Emergency Evacuation in an Urban Network”, 36th Australasian Transport Research Forum, 2 – 4 October, Brisbane, Australia,

    11. Dias, C., Sarvi, M., Shiwakoti, N., Ejtemai, O., Burd M. (2013) “Examining the impact of different turning angles on the collective egress of crowds”, Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, Vol. 6(2), pp. 167-181

    12. Shiwakoti, N., Sarvi, M., Rose, G., Burd, M. (2011) Animal dynamics based approach for modelling pedestrian crowd egress under panic conditions, Transportation Research Part B , Vol. 45, Issue 9, pp. 1433-1449

    13. Shiwakoti, N., Sarvi, M., Rose, G., Burd, M. (2011) Consequence of turning movements during emergency crowd egress, Transportation Research Record, No. 2234, pp. 97-104, Washington, D.C.

    14. Burd, M., Shiwakoti, N., Sarvi, M., Rose. G. (2010) Nest architecture and traffic flow: large potential effects from small structural features, Ecological Entomology , Vol. 35, Issue 4, pp. 464-468

    15. Shiwakoti, N., Sarvi, M., Rose, G., Burd, M. (2010) Biologically inspired modeling approach for collective pedestrian dynamics under emergency conditions, In Transportation Research Record, No.2196, pp. 176-184 Washington, D.C., USA

    16. Shiwakoti, N., Sarvi, M., Rose, G., Burd, M. (2010) Enhancing the safety of pedestrians during emergency egress: Can we learn from biological entities? Transportation Research Record , Washington, D.C., Vol. 2137, pp. 31-37