Yongfeng DENG
Professor, Ph.D
Institute of Geotechnical Engineering
School of Transportation
Southeast University
Nanjing 210096
P. R. China
Tel: +86 25 83792776
E-mail: noden@seu.edu.cn
2005Ph.D.Southeast University (Highway and Railway Engineering)
2002M.Eng.Southeast University (Geotechnical Engineering)
1999B.Eng.Chongqing Jiaotong University (Port and Channel Engineering)
Major Research Interests:
Soil Behaviours under Evolution of Geological Environment
Geotechnical Testing Method and Underground Structure
Ground Improvement and Soil Modification
Research Projects :
(1)Activity excitation of steel slag-metakaolin composite geopolymer and macro/micro behavior of stabilized soft clays, Sponsored by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Approved No. 41572280), 2016-2019;
(2)Pore water effect on the hydro-mechanical behavior of natural soft clays under desalination condition, Sponsored by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Approved No. 51378117), 2014-2017;
(3)High-performace Modified Materials bases on function design in ground improvement, Sponsored by “six talents peak” Project in Jiangsu province, P.R.China, 2015-2017;
(4)Physical and mechanical properties of structural clay under salinity environment,Sponsored by Scientific Research Foundation for Returned Scholars, Ministry of Education of China (Approved No. 2012-1707), 2012-2013;
(5)Theory and Evalution on Mechanical Disturbance of Natural Structural Soft Clay, Sponsored by the Natural Science Foundation of China (Approved No. 50908049), 2010-2012
(6)Application and Evaluation of Ground Improvement Technology in Linhai Highway, Sponsored by Highway Department of Jiangsu Province, 2010-2013;
(7)ONDRAF/NIRAS: Laboratory research on geomechanical properties of Essen clay at difference depths including geochemical impact on its geomechanical properties, 2008-2009(Ecole des Ponts ParisTech, France)
Selected Publications:
(1)Deng Y.F.*, Yue X.B., Liu S.Y., Chen Y.G. and Zhang D.W. 2015. Hydraulic Conductivity of Cement-stabilized Marine Clay with Metakaolin and its Correlation with Pore Size Distribution. Engineering Geology. 193:46–152.
(2)Yan C., Liu S.Y., Deng Y.F. 2015. Experimental Research for the Application of Mining Waste in the Trench Cutting Remixing Deep Wall Method. Advances in Materials Science and Engineering. 2015:1-9.
(3)Zhang T.W., Yue X.B., Deng Y.F.*, Zhang D.W., Liu S.Y. 2014. Mechanical behaviour and Micro-structure of Cement-stabilised Marine Clay with a Metakaolin Agent. Construction and Building Materials. 73:51–57
(4)Deng Y.F., Yue X.B., Cui Y.J., Shao G.H., Liu S.Y., Zhang D.W. 2014. Effect of Pore Water Chemistry on the Hydro-Mechanical Behaviour of Lianyungang Soft Marine Clay. Applied Clay Science. 95:167–175.
(5)Nguyen X.P., Cui Y.J., Tang A.M., Deng Y.F., Li X.L., Wouters L. 2013. Effects of Pore Water Chemical Composition on the Hydro-Mechanical Behavior of Natural Stiff Clays. Engineering Geology. 166: 52–64.
(6)Zhang D.W., Fan L.B., Liu S.Y., Deng Y.F. 2013. Experimental Investigation of Unconfined Compression Strength and Stiffness of Cement Treated Salt-Rich Clay. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. 31(4): 360-374.
(7)Deng Y.F., Cui Y.J., Tang A.M., Li X.L. and Sillen X. 2012. An Experimental Study on the Secondary Deformation of Boom Clay. Applied Clay Science. 59-60:19-25.
(8)Deng Y.F., Tang A.M., Cui Y.J. and Li X.L. 2011. Study on the Hydraulic Conductivity of Boom Clay. Canadian Geotechnical Journal, 48: 1461–1470.
(9)Deng Y.F., Tang A.M., Cui Y.J., Nguyen X.P., Li X.L. and Wouters L. 2011. Laboratory Hydro- Mechanical Characterisation of Boom Clay at Essen and Mol. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 36:1878–1890.
(10)Deng Y.F., Cui Y.J., Tang A.M., Nguyen X.P., Li X.L. and Van Geet M. 2011. Investigating the Pore- water Chemistry Effects on the Volume Change Behaviour of Boom Clay. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth. 36:1905-1912.
(11)Liu S. Y., ZhangD. W., LiuZ. B. and Deng Y. F. 2008. Assessment of Unconfined Compressive Strength of Cement Stabilized Marine Clay. Marine Georesources and Geotechnology. 26(1):19-35
(12)Hong Z.S., Shen S.L. Deng, Y.F., Negami T. 2007. Loss of Soil Structure for Natural Sedimentary Clays. ICE:Proceedings of the institution of civil engineers-geotechnical engineering. 160(3):153-159.