Tel: (+86) 15358109263
Research Interest: Macro and micro mechanism of geomaterials, Intelligent testing and analysis in Geotechnical Engineering
Education Background
2019.12 ~ current | Geotechnical Engineering of Southeast University | Lecturer |
2018.10 ~2019.11 | Geotechnial Engineering of University of Tokyo | Project researcher |
2015.10 ~ 2018.09 | Geotechnial Enginieering of University of Tokyo | Philosophy doctor |
2013.10 ~ 2015.08 | Geotechnial and Geoenvironmental Engineering of University of Tokushima | Master (Double degree) |
2012.09 ~ 2015.03 | Geological Engineering of Tongji University | Master |
2008.09 ~ 2012.06 | Geological Engineering of Central South University | Bachelor |
Working Background
2023.05 ~ current | Geotechnical Engineering of Southeast University | Associate Professor |
2019.12 ~ 2023.04 | Geotechnical Engineering of Southeast University | Lecturer |
2018.10 ~2019.11 | Geotechnial Engineering of University of Tokyo | Project researcher |
Main Research Projects
(1)Study on AE Characterization of Shear Band Initiation and Evolution and Particle Breakage Mechanism of Calcareous Sands, National Natural Science Foundation of China, host, 2022-01-01 to 2024-12-31.
(2)Research on the Initiation and Development of Calcium Sand Shear Bands and Particle Fracturing Mechanisms Based on Acoustic Emission Characteristics,Jiangsu Provincial Department of Science and Technology, host, 2021-07-01 to 2024-06.30.
(3)Research on Long-Distance Tunnel Disease Identification Technology Based on Distributed Optical Fiber, Jiangsu Provincial Research Centre for Geological Engineering Environmental Intelligent Monitoring, host, 2021-12-01 to 2023.12.01
(4) Study on the permeability of low-permeability stratum with fractures and spatial-temporal transport characteristics of non-aqueous pollutants,National key research and development program, main participant, 2021.1 ~ 2024.12
(5) The mechanism and design method of cement-soil reinforcement to improve the horizontal bearing and seismic performance of pile foundations in soft soil, National Natural Science Foundation of China, main participant, 2021.1~2024.12
Main Research Publications
SCI index (* corresponding author): |
Lin Wenli*, Liu Ang, Mao Wuwei, Koseki Junichi. Frequency dependence of acoustic emission with particle interaction and failure process in dry sands during triaxial compression. Géotechnique, 2023. 1-15. (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1680/jgeot.22.00407)
Lin Wenli*, Mao Wuwei, Liu Ang, Koseki Junichi. Application of an acoustic emission source-tracing method to visualise shear banding in granular materials.Géotechnique, 2021, 71(10): 925-936.
Lin Wenli*, Liu Ang, Mao Wuwei, Koseki Junichi. Acoustic Emission Characteristics of a Dry Sandy Soil Subjected to Drained Triaxial Compression.Acta Geotechnica, 2020, 15: 2493–2506.
Lin Wenli*, Liu Ang, Mao Wuwei, Koseki Junichi. Acoustic Emission Behavior of Granular Soils with Various Ground Conditions in Drained Triaxial Compression Tests.Soils and Foundations, 2020, 60(4): 929-943.
Lin Wenli*, Liu Ang, Mao Wuwei. Use of Acoustic Emission to Evaluate the Micro-Mechanical Behavior of Sands in Single Particle Compression Tests.Ultrasonics, 2019, 99:105962.
Lin Wenli, Liu Ang*, Mao Wuwei, Maqsood, Zain, Koseki Junichi. Micromechanical behavior of granular soils characterized by acoustic emission. Lithosphere, 2021(S3): 4061808.
Liu Ang, Lin Wenli*, Jiang Jingcai. Laboratory and Constitutive Analysis of Relaxation Tests for Time-Dependent Properties of Discontinuities. Construction and Building Materials, 2019, 227(10):116688.
Liu Ang, Lin Wenli*, Jiang Jingcai. Investigation of the Long-term Strength Properties of a Discontinuity by Shear Relaxation Tests. Rock mechanics and rock engineering, 2020, 53(2): 831-840.
MAO Wuwei*, YANG Yang, LIN Wenli, Aoyama Shogo, & Towhata Ikuo. High Frequency Acoustic Emissions Observed during Model Pile Penetration in Sand and Implications for Particle Breakage Behavior. International Journal of Geomechanics, 2018.18(11):04018143.
LIU Ang*, TIAN Guanghui, LIN Wenli, JIANG Jingcai. Shear Relaxation Characteristics of Rock Joints under Stepwise Loadings. Comptes Rendus Mécanique. 2018.346 (12):1179-1191.
EI / ESCI index |
LIU Ang, ZHANG Erkang, LIN Wenli*. Evolution of acoustic emission characteristic of cemented sand subjected to triaxial compression tests [J]. Journal of Central South University(Science and Technology), 2024, 55(2): 618−627. (in Chinese)
LIU Ang, ZHANG Qian, HUA Yu, ZHU Jun, LIN Wenli*.Graded shear creep characteristics of structural planes with different roughness coefficients[J].Journal of Nanjing Tech University (Natural Science Edition), 2023,45(02):220-227.
LIN Wenli*, UENO Katsutoshi, SHEN Mingrong, UZUOKA Ryosuke, & SUZUKI Hisashi. Development of Capacitance Displacement Monitoring System and Its Performance Tests. International Journal of Geomate. 2016,10 (21):1956-1963.
LIN Wenli*, MAO Wuwei, KOSEKI Junichi, & LIU Ang. Frequency Response of Acoustic Emission to Characterize Particle Dislocations in Sandy Soil. In GeoShanghai International Conference (pp. 689-697). Springer, Singapore. 2018, May.
LIN Wenli*, MAO Wuwei, KOSEKI Junich. Acoustic Emission Technology to Investigate Internal Micro-Structure Behaviour of Shear Banding in Sands. Advances in Laboratory Testing and Modelling of Soils and Shales. Springer, Cham. 2017.
YANG Junde, LIN Wenli, WANG Yuan*. Research on the Design of Diamond Size in Diamond Drill Bits and Diamond Saw Blades. 2011 International Conference on Mechanical Engineering, Materials and Energy. ISSN: 1660-9336, TRANS TECH Publications. 2011:148-149.
Conference paper |
LIN Wenli*, KOSEKI Junichi, MAO Wuwei. “Acoustic Emission Response During Shear Band Formation in Triaxial Compression Test on Sand”. The 71st Japan National Conference on Civil Engineering. Sep. 2016.
LIN Wenli*, UENO Katsutoshi, SHEN Mingrong, UZUOKA Ryosuke, & SUZUKI Hisashi. “Evaluation of Linear Capacitance Displacement Transducer”. The 49th Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering. 2014.07, pp.1857-1858.
LIU Ang*, TOKUNAGA Tomochika, ZHANG Peng, &LIN Wenli. “Investigation on the correlation of Relaxation behaviors and Long-term Strength”. Japan society of engineering geology. Oct. 2018, Sapporo.
LIU Ang*, JIANG Jingcai, LIN Wenli,& ZHU Jun. “Shear stress relaxation properties of discontinuities under different stress and JRC”. The 4th International Forum on Advanced Technologies IFAT. 2018.03, p1-06.
Mainly Authorized and Handled Patents
Lin Wenli, Liu Ang, Zhang Erkang. A method for identifying the micro-mechanical behavior between granular particles based on acoustic emission characteristics. China, CN113324832B, Authorized.
Lin Wenli, Liu Ang. A method for monitoring underground rotary jetting effects during construction processes using acoustic emission. China, CN116517038A, Invention Disclosure (Substantive Examination).
Liu Ang, Zhang Erkang, Lin Wenli. An early warning method for the destruction behavior between granular particles based on acoustic emission characteristics. China, CN115597979A, Invention Disclosure (Substantive Examination).
Liu Ang, Zhang Erkang, Lin Wenli. A method for inverse estimation of macroscopic mechanical parameters of cementitious materials based on acoustic emission and experimental system. China, CN115791978A, Invention Disclosure (Substantive Examination).
Liu Ang, Hua Yu, Lin Wenli, Zhang Qian, He Jiaxing, Ding Zhitao, Zhang Erkang, Wang Yuanlin, Shi Gaobo. A slope risk assessment method based on random forest. China, CN114819551A, Invention Disclosure (Substantive Examination).
Zhang Dingwen, Qi Yanmin, Lin Wenli. A spatio-temporal transport tracking method for non-aqueous phase pollutants in low permeability pore-fracture multiscale structures. China, CN116165101A, Invention Disclosure (Substantive Examination).
Qi Yanmin, Zhang Dingwen, Lin Wenli. A method for concentration inversion of NAPLs pollutants based on resistivity method. China, CN115096947A, Invention Disclosure (Substantive Examination).
Liu Ang, Hua Yu, Lin Wenli, Zhang Qian, Ding Zhitao, Zhang Erkang, He Jiaxing, Shi Gaobo. A recyclable microseismic sensor installation device suitable for plastic zones in tunnel surrounding rocks. China, CN218601482U, Utility Model (Authorized).