Zhibin Li, Ph.D., Professor,
School of Transportation, Southeast University
Si Pai Lou #2, Nanjing, China, 210096
(025) 8379-1816 (Office), 13952097374 (Cell)
Email: lizhibin@seu.edu.cn
Ph.D. in Transportation Engineering, 11/2014
Southeast University, Nanjing, China
§Dissertation: Variable Speed Limits Technology on Expressways
Joint Ph.D. Program in Transportation Engineering, 11/2010 – 12/2012
University of California, Berkeley, United States
B.S. in Transportation Engineering, 9/2006
Southeast University, Nanjing, China
§Zhongying Young Scholars, 9/2016 – Present
Southeast University, Nanjing, China
§Professor, 9/2016 – Present
School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
§Hong Kong Scholar, 10/2016 – 9/2017
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, The Hong Kong Polytech University, Hong Kong, China
§Research Associate, 1/2015– 6/2016
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, United States
§Visiting Researcher , 5/2012 – 9/2012
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of California, Berkeley, United States
Intelligent Transportation Systems Traffic Control
Highway SafetyData Mining
Travel Behavior
Referred Journal Articles (Lifelong Citations: 1001; H-index: 20; for details refer to https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=6v4XgAsAAAAJ&hl=zh-CN)
(*represents corresponding author)
1.Zhibin Li, Pan Liu, Hui Duan, Chengcheng Xu, Wei Wang. Reinforcement Learning-Based Variable Speed Limit Control Strategy to Reduce Traffic Congestion at Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, in press.
2.Zhibin Li, Pan Liu, Chengcheng Xu, Wei Wang. Reducing Traffic Congestions at Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks: Variable Speed Limit or Ramp Metering. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, in press.
3.Zhibin Li, Pan Liu, Chengcheng Xu, Wei Wang. Optimal Mainline Variable Speed Limit Control to Improve Safety on Large-Scale Freeway Segments, Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2015, in press, DOI: 10.1111/mice.12164.
4.Zhibin Li, Wei Wang, Chen Yang, Haoyang Ding. Bicycle Mode Share in China: A City-Level Analysis of Long Term Trends. Transportation, 2015, in press.
5.Zhibin Li, Zheng Li, Rong Huang, Wei Wang, Mao Ye. Some Operational Features in Bicycle Traffic Flow: An Observational Study. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2015, in press.
6.Zhibin Li, Wei Wang, Pan Liu, Lu Bai, Muqing Du. Analysis of Crash Risks by Collision Type at Freeway Diverge Area Using Multivariate Modeling Technique. Journal of Transportation Engineering-ASCE, 2015, 141(6), 04015002.
7.Zhibin Li, Pan Liu, Wei Wang, Chengcheng Xu. Development of a Control Strategy of Variable Speed Limits to Reduce Rear-end Collision Risks near Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2014, 15 (12): 866-877.
8.Zhibin Li, Wei Wang, Pan Liu, Chengcheng Xu. Development of a Variable Speed Limit Strategy to Reduce Secondary Collision Risks during Inclement Weathers. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2014, 72: 134–145.
9.Zhibin Li, Seongchae Ahn, Koohong Chung, David R. Ragland, Wei Wang, Jeong Whon Yu. Surrogate Safety Measure for Evaluating Rear-End Collision Risk Related to Kinematic Waves near Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 2014, 64: 52-61.
10.Zhibin Li, Wei Wang, Ruoyun Chen, Pan Liu, Chengcheng Xu. Conditional Inference Tree-based Analysis of Hazardous Traffic Conditions for Rear-end and Sideswipe Collisions with Implications for Control Strategies on Freeways. IET Intelligent Transport Systems, 2014, 8 (6): 509-518.
11.Zhibin Li, Pan Liu, Wei Wang, Chengcheng Xu. Development of Control Strategy of Variable Speed Limits for Improving Traffic Operations at Freeway Bottlenecks. Journal of Central South University of Technology, 2014, 21 (6): 2526-2538.
12.Zhibin Li, Wei Wang, Chen Yang, David R. Ragland. Bicycle Commuting Market Analysis using Attitudinal Market Segmentation Approach. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice, 2013, 47: 56-68.
13.Zhibin Li, Wei Wang, Pan Liu, John M. Bigham, David R. Ragland. Using Geographically Weighted Poisson Regression for county-level crash modeling in California. Safety Science, 2013, 58: 89-97.
14.Zhibin Li, Koohong Chung, Michael J. Cassidy. Collisions in Freeway Traffic: the Influence of Downstream Queues and Interim Means to Address it. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2013, 2396: 1-9.
15.Zhibin Li, Wei Wang, Pan Liu, Chengcheng Xu. Evaluation of the Impacts of Speed Variation on Freeway Traffic Collisions in Various Traffic States. Traffic Injury Prevention, 2013, 14 (8): 861-866.
16.Zhibin Li, Wei Wang, Chen Yang, Guojun Jiang. Exploring the Causal Relationship between Bicycle Choice and Trip Chain Pattern. Transport Policy, 2013, 29: 170-177.
17.Zhibin Li, Wei Wang, Pan Liu, John M. Bigham, David R. Ragland. Modeling Bicycle Passing Maneuvers on Multilane Bicycle Paths. ASCE-Journal of Transportation Engineering, 2013, 139 (1): 57-64.
18.Zhibin Li, Pan Liu, Wei Wang, Chengcheng Xu. Using Support Vector Machine Models for Crash Injury Severity Analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 2012, 44 (2): 478-486.
19.Zhibin Li, Wei Wang, Pan Liu, David R. Ragland. Physical Environments Influencing Bicyclists' Perception of Comfort on Separated and On-street Bicycle Facilities, Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 2012, 17: 256-261.
20.Zhibin Li, Wei Wang, Pan Liu, Robert Schneider, David R. Ragland. Investigating Bicyclists’ Perception of Comfort on Physically Separated Bicycle Paths in Nanjing, China. Transportation Research Record: Journal of Transportation Research Board, 2012, 2317: 76-84.
1. Principal Investigator (PI), Pacific Northwest Transportation Consortium, Enhancing Safe Traffic Operations Using Connected Vehicles Data and Technologies, $180,000, 2015.7 – present.
2. Core Personnel, U.S. Federal Highway Administration, Highway Grade Characterization and Operating Efficiency Methods, Tools, and Data Development, $360,000, 2015.1 – present
3. Core Personnel, Washington Department of Transportation, Data Collection and Spatial Interpolation of Bicycle and Pedestrian Data, $200,000, 2015.1 – present
4. PI, National Natural Science Foundation in China, Optimization of Variable Speed Limit Control to Improve Traffic Operation and Safety near Freeway Recurrent Bottlenecks, ¥200,000, 2015.06-present
5. PI, Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, Dynamic Speed Control Strategies for Freeway Recurrent Bottleneck Sections, ¥200,000, 2015.06-present
6. PI, Jiangsu Planned Projects for Postdoctoral Research Funds, Interactive Mechanism of Residents’ Travel Mode and Activity Pattern Choices in Large Cities of China,¥70,000, 2015.06-present
7. PI, Projects for Postdoctoral Research Funds in Southeast University, Understanding Travelers’ Activity Choice Decisions in China, ¥30,000, 2015.06-present
8. PI, Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Foundation of Southeast University, Research on freeway variable speed limit control technique (YBPY1211), ¥60,000, 2012.11-2013.11
9. PI, Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Foundation of Southeast University, Research on freeway variable speed limit control technique (YBJJ1150), ¥30,000, 2011.11-2012.11
10. Core Personnel, National Action Plan for Road Safety, Enforcement of road safety and its application (2009BAG13A07), ¥3,500,000, 2009.09-2012.09
11. Core Personnel, National Key Technology R&D Program, Safety evaluation of driving behaviors and monitoring technique (2007BAK35B02), ¥3,000,000, 2008.09-2010.12
12. Core Personnel, National Basic Research Program, Public transit oriented development of multi-mode traffic network coordination technique (2012CB725400), ¥3,000,000, 2010.03-present
9/2016 – Present, Professor,School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
Courses Taught:
§Instructor: Traffic Engineering Fundamentals (undergraduate level), Autumn 2017
§Instructor: Urban Design (undergraduate level), Autumn 2017
§Instructor: Traffic Engineering Practice (graduate level, in English), Autumn 2017
§Instructor: Transportation Engineering (graduate level, in English), Spring 2018
9/2016– Present, Professor,School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing, China
Graduate Students:
Yuting Luo (enrolled in Autumn 2017)
Ye Chen (enrolled in Autumn 2017)
Daan Zhu (enrolled in Autumn 2017, Suzhou Campus)
Ling Zhao Daan Zhu (enrolled in Autumn 2017, Suzhou Campus)
Peipei Sun Daan Zhu (enrolled in Autumn 2017, Suzhou Campus)
§Chairman: Committee of Data Fusion, Analytics, and Feature Extraction, World Transport Convention (2017 – present)
§Area Editor of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (2016 – 2017)
§Area Editor of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18th COTA International Conference of Transportation Professionals (2017 – 2018)
§Reviewer – IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (2014 – present)
§Reviewer – IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology (2014 – present)
§Reviewer – Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice (2012 – present)
§Reviewer – Computer Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering (2014 – present)
§Reviewer – Accident Analysis & Prevention (2012 – present)
§Reviewer – Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment (2012 – present)
§Reviewer – Transport Policy (2013 – present)
§Reviewer – ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering (2012 – present)
§Reviewer – ASCE-Journal of Urban Planning and Development (2013 – present)
§Reviewer – Mathematical Problem in Engineering (2013 – present)
§Reviewer and Friends – TRB Safety Data, Analysis and Evaluation (ANB20) (2012 – present)
§Reviewer and Friends– TRB Statistics Committee (ABJ80) (2012 – present)
§Reviewer and Friends– TRB Freeway Operations Committee (AHB20) (2010 – present)
§Reviewer and Friends– TRB Transportation in Developing Countries (NBE90) (2011 – present)
§Reviewer and Friends – TRB Bicycle Transportation Committee (ANF20) (2011 – present)