Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering

 National University of Singapore twk19939.3@163.com+86 17312140293


National University of SingaporeSingapore

Ph.D.in Coastal Engineering, supervisor: Prof.Yuan Jing     Aug2016-Dec2020

Thesis:Experimental and numerical study of coastal sheet-flow sediment transport

Hohai University  Nanjing, China

Bachelor in Hydraulic Engineering Sep 2012-Jun 2016

First class honor,GAP:4.72/5.0(rank4th/211)


Southeast University    Nanjing, China

Associate Professor Feb 2023-present

Huaiwei Technologies, Co., Ltd.Shenzhen, China

Senior Algorithm Engineer Nov 2021-Jan 2023

National University of Singapore Singapore

Research Fellow in Coastal Engineering   Aug2020-Oct2021

Supervisor:Prof.Yuan Jing Prof. Philip Li-Fan LIU


Tan.W.et al., 2024, Data-driven modelling of fully nonlinear regular wave load and secondary load cycles on an offshore wind turbine monopile. (underpreparation)

Tan.W., Alessandro Stocchino, Cai Z., 2024, Time series clustering of mete-ocean data at Pear River Estuary. (underpreparation)

Tan.W., Yuan, J, et al., 2023, Experiments and large eddy simulation of oscillatory flow over a rough wavy wall at high Reynolds number. JournalofFluidMechanics. (underreview)

Tan,W., Yuan, J., 2022. Drag-related wave-current interaction inside a dense submerged aquatic canopy. JournalofFluidMechanics.

Tan,W.and Yuan, J., 2019. Experimental study of sheet-flow sediment transport under nonlinear oscillatory flow over a sloping bed. CoastalEngineering. 147: 1-11.

Yuan, J. and Tan,W., 2018. Modeling net sheet-flow sediment transport rate under skewed and asymmetric oscillatory flows over a sloping bed, 136: 65-80. CoastalEngineering

Tan,W.and Yuan, J., 2021. A two-layer numerical model for coastal sheet-flow sediment transport.

Journal of Geophysical Research: Ocean

Tan,W., D. P. Cao, Yuan, J., 2022. Numerical modelling of green-water overtopping flow striking a pedestrain on the crest of a sloped coastal structure. OceanEngineering.

Tan.W., Yuan, J, 2022. Numerical study of boundary layer streaming and sheet-flow sediment transport under progressive waves. ContinentalShelfResearch.

D. P. Cao, Tan,W.and Yuan, J., 2022. Assessment of wave overtopping risk for pedestrian visiting the crest area of coastal structure. AppliedOceanResearch.

Lai, B.L., Tan,W., et al., 2022, Numerical study on the compressive behavior of H-shaped steel reinforced concrete beam-columns. JournalofConstructionalSteelResearch.

Tan,W.and Yuan, J., 2019. A process-based sediment transport model for sheet flows with the pickup layer resolved in an empirical way, APACconference, Oct 2019

Research Interests

Coastal/Ocean engineering

wave-current boundary layer

 coastal sediment transport (e.g., sheet flows, vortex ripple) turbulence modelling (kω, wall-modelled large eddy simulation) 3D numerical wave tank (waves2Foam, Olaflow)

water tunnel experiments (Oscillatory Water Tunnel) physical-informed neural networks

machine learning & deep learning application in coastal/ocean engineering


language:Chinese (native), English (proficient)

Programminglanuage:C/C++ (OpenFOAM), Matlab, Python (Pytorch/Tensorflow)

CFDskills:Reynold-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) modeling; (Wall-modelled) Large-eddy simulation, one-phase sediment transport modeling, numerical wave tank, floating structures.

MachineLearning:Physical-Informed Neural Network, Recommendation System, NLP, Bayesian Inference, GAN, LSTM, clustering algorithm.


  1. Numericalmodellingofstormsurgeinducedcoastalfloodingthroughsimple-yet-fastlinearshallowwaterequation,100,000RMB,NationalMarineHazardsReductionCenter2023.06-2023.12

Develop numerical model for coastal flooding due to storm surge using Python.

Develop conditional GAN based AI model for quick evaluation of storm surge induced flooding.

  1. Turbulent boundary layer of wave-current flows in an angle and its effect on coastal sediment transport,300,000RMB,NationalNaturalScienceFoundationofChina2024.01-2026.12

Develop a model for wave-current flows in an angle in numerical wave tank. Study the appropriate turbulence model for wave curent flows in an angle.

  1. Sheet-flowsedimenttransportinthecoastalenvironment(participant,S$150,000,MinistryofEducation,


 Storm surge caused sheet flows in coastal regions lead to massive amount of sediment transport. We conducted full-scale lab experiments to study sheet-flow sediment transport for a sloped bottom. Net transport rates were measured and analysed.

A semi-analytical model was proposed for coastal sheet flow sediment transport

 A two layer numerical model was proposed and developed in MATLAB for coastal sediment transport.kωmodel was used.

Wall-modelled LES was developed and applied to study vortex ripples based on OpenFoam.

  1. Eco-engineeringSingapore’sseawallsforenhancingbiodiversity(participant,S$819,318.38,NationalResearchFoundation,MSRDPprogram,2016.10-2021.10)

Numerical wave tank (waves2Foam) is applied to study overtopping wave’s impact on human body model placed on seawall.

  1. HuaweiTechnologiesCo.,Ltd.MetaERPAIgroup,2021.10-2023.01

 applied recommendation system and knowledge graph to deal with business in enterprise. applied genetic algorithm and reinforcement learning for automatic software testing. applied sentence Bert model and clustering algorithms for sentence clustering.