






陈钊博士在美国东北大学(Northeastern University)取得土木工程专业博士学位,其后在美国西北太平洋国家实验室(Pacific Northwest National Laboratory)数据科学与机器智能小组进行博士后研究。他负责或参与过的研究课题涉及动力系统模拟、方程发现、损伤识别、不确定性分析和车桥耦合等方向,目前对科学机器学习(Scientific Machine Learning)具有浓厚兴趣,热衷于研究具有数据和知识双驱动特点的科学和工程问题。

近五年,在Nature CommunicationsMechanical Systems and Signal ProcessingStructural Health MonitoringJCR一区、二区期刊发表论文11篇;获得中国和美国发明专利各1项;参与开发美国国家实验室开源科学机器学习软件1项。他博士和博后期间参与过包含美国国家自然科学基金和国家实验室项目在内的4项基金研究,主持过国际工程咨询公司Thornton Tomasetti的研究生创新基金项目。担任过Scientific ReportsPhilosophical Transactions of the Royal Society APLOS ONE等期刊的审稿人。



l  科学机器学习

l  系统识别

l  动力模拟



博士——美国Northeastern University(2021)





博士后——美国Pacific Northwest National Lab(2021-2022)



1.  参与美国Engineering for Civil Infrastructure program at National Science Foundation under grant CMMI-2013067

2.  参与美国Data Model Converge (DMC) initiative at the Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL)

3.  参与美国MathWorks公司项目

4.  参与美国东北大学Tier 1 Seed Grant Program

5.  主持美国2020Thornton Tomasetti Student Innovation Fellowship科研项目



²  期刊论文:

1.  Chen, Zhao, and Nan Wang. Learning dynamics from coarse/noisy data with scalable symbolic regression. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 190 (2023): 110147.

2.  Koch, James, et al. Structural inference of networked dynamical systems with universal differential equations. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 33.2 (2023): 023103.

3.  Wang, Nan, Qin Chen, and Zhao Chen. Reconstruction of nearshore wave fields based on physics-informed neural networks. Coastal Engineering 176 (2022): 104167.

4.  Chen, Zhao, Yang Liu, and Hao Sun. Symbolic Deep Learning for Structural System Identification. Journal of Structural Engineering 148.9 (2022): 04022116.

5.  Chen, Zhao, Yang Liu, and Hao Sun. Forecasting of nonlinear dynamics based on symbolic invariance. Computer Physics Communications 277 (2022): 108382.

6.  Chen, Zhao, Yang Liu, and Hao Sun. Physics-informed learning of governing equations from scarce data. Nature communications 12.1 (2021): 6136.

7.  Chen, Zhao, and Hao Sun. Sparse representation for damage identification of structural systems. Structural Health Monitoring 20.4 (2021): 1644-1656.

8.  Chen, Zhao, et al. Sparse Bayesian learning for structural damage identification. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 140 (2020): 106689.

9.  Zhang, Ruiyang, et al. Deep long short-term memory networks for nonlinear structural seismic response prediction. Computers & Structures 220 (2019): 55-68.

10.Sun, Hao, et al. Computational modeling of a unique tower in Kuwait for structural health monitoring: Numerical investigations. Structural Control and Health Monitoring 26.3 (2019): e2317.

11.Chen, Zhao, Zhipeng Xie, and Jian Zhang. Measurement of vehicle-bridge-interaction force using dynamic tire pressure monitoring. Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 104 (2018): 370-383.



1.  美国东北大学College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Research Award(2021)

2.  5th Annual Thornton Tomasetti Student Innovation Fellowship(2020)

3.  教育部国家奖学金(2016)

4.  光华奖学金(2012&2016)