School of
2 Southeast University Road,
Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Office: 025-52091255

The freshmen-welcoming drama "Mao Yisheng" ended successfully

From September 7th to September 9th, 2019, the Southeast University's new drama Mao Yisheng, which is mainly used for welcoming freshmen was staged for three consecutive days in the Jiaoting Theater. The performance of the JOIN Drama Group gave a wonderful lively audio-visual feast for all the 2019 students. The drama Mao Yisheng was adapted from a documentary filmed whose content mainly contains things that happened on Mr. Mao Yisheng during his lifetime. It tells about the whole process of construction, bombing and reconstruction of the Qiantang River Bridge, and strives to restore the roughest and most difficult part of Mao’s life.