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Integrated Three-Dimensional Transportation and Multi-Network Fusion Basic Theory and Key Technology Seminar Successfully Opened in Nanjing

On February 25th,Integrated Three-Dimensional Transportation and Multi-Network Fusion Basic Theory and Key Technology Seminar was successfully opened in nanjing, hosted by school of transportation of Southeast University.

Transportation is essential for the prosperity and strength of a country. In recent years, China's transportation industry has achieved remarkable accomplishments, with the construction and development of basic infrastructure networks for individual transportation modes ranking among the top in the world. However, the comprehensive and multi-dimensional transportation system still faces challenges such as insufficient synergy among multiple modes and suboptimal network coupling effects. Against the backdrop of a strong transportation country, the integration and development of rail, road, water, aviation, and pipeline and integrated development of comprehensive transportation have become key factors for China's high-quality and sustainable transportation development in the future.

The theme of this academic conference is basic theories and key technologies for the integration of multiple transportation networks in comprehensive transportation. The conference aims to identify critical scientific and technological issues, common technical bottlenecks, and important application scenarios, as well as to plan for new disciplinary growth points, and provide suggestions for the layout of major projects and long-term funding directions in the field of integrated transportation networks by the National Natural Science Foundation of China.  More than 500 experts and scholars from 11 research institutes, 27 enterprises, and 56 universities attended the conference at the Jiangsu Provincial Conference Center. 

Academician Huang Wei and professor Liu Pan, Executive Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Southeast University, respectively delivered speeches at the conference, expressing their best wishes for the successful holding of the conference and the high-quality development of integrated transportation.

In his speech, Academician Huang Wei stated that the 14th Five-Year Plan period is the first five-year plan for China to embark on a new journey of building a socialist modern country comprehensively. The achievement of large transportation to strong transportation will help to achieve a historic leap of strong country. It is of great significance! It is necessary to transform from the relatively independent development of various transportation modes to a more integrated and coordinated development, and thus build a modern, high-quality and comprehensive transportation network. The integration of multiple transportation networks first requires high attention to the research of basic theories and key technologies. To solve the bottleneck problems in major engineering practices, break through the bottleneck of theoretical research, and master key core technologies, we need to strengthen the research and development of key core technologies such as intensive and digitalized infrastructure for integrated transportation, and coordinated service and intelligent enhancement of integrated transportation.

Currently, China's transportation industry continues to flourish, and the significant strategic decision of building a strong transportation country has provided new opportunities for transportation technology innovation. Exploring the latest research progress and major key scientific and technological issues in the field of comprehensive transportation in China will inject new energy and vitality into the discipline and industry development, and provide strong support for the construction of a strong transportation country.