School of
2 Southeast University Road,
Jiangning District, Nanjing, Jiangsu Province
Office: 025-52091255

SONG Xiaodong

Associate professorDoctor SupervisorPh.D.

Assistant of the Department Head

Zhishan Scholar of Southeast University

Contact Information

Room 715, School of Transportation, Jiulong Lake Campus, Southeast University



Research Direction

Train induced vibration of bridge and tunnel structures

Noise prediction and mitigation of bridge and tunnel

Intelligent operation and maintenance of bridge structures

BIMapplication in bridge engineering


Education Background

2009/09-2015/05, Department of Bridge and Tunnel Engineering, Tongji University, Ph.D.

2013/09-2014/09, Acoustics Group, Department of Information and TechnologyGhent University, Joint Ph.D.

2005/09-2009/06, School of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Bachelor Degree


Employment History

2018/04-presentAssociate Professor(Exceptional promotion), Department of Bridge, School of Transportation, Southeast University

2015/05-2018/03, Assistant Professor, Department of Bridge Engineering, School of Transportation, Southeast University


Courses Information

Undergraduate coursesStructural Mechanics Ⅱ, Bridge Engineering, Practice in Bridge Engineering,

Master coursesAdvanced Structural Dynamics, Advanced Bridge Engineering,Bridge Health Monitoring and Virtual-Real Reflection


Concurrent Academic Posts

WTC Rail Transit Operation Safety and Environmental Discipline-Rail Transit System Vibration and Noise Control Committee

Belgian Young Acousticians Network

Expert Committee of Highway Transportation Science and Technology Achievements Transformation Alliance

Member of China Highway Society, Vibration Engineering Society, etc.

Young editorial board of Journal of Railway Science and Engineering, Journal of East China Jiaotong University, etc.

Reviewer: Engineering Structures, Construction and Building Materials, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics Transactions of the ASME, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, etc.


Recent Research Projects

1. National Natural Science Foundation of China, Reconstruction and mitigation of underwater noise radiation from bridge structures based on physics-informed data-driven model, 2024/1-2027/12, PI

2.National Natural Science Foundation of China, Study on structure-borne low-frequency noise from rail transit bridges using inverse boundary element method, 2017/01-2019/12, PI.

3. National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, Underwater vibration noise radiation mechanism of tunnels based on waveguide transformation,2016/7-2023.6, PI.

4. National Natural Science Foundation of Jiangsu Province, Prediction and mitigation of low to medium noise radiation from rail transit bridges, 2016/07-2019/06, PI.

5. Science Foundation for The Excellent Youth Scholars of Southeast University,2019/01-2021/12PI.

6. Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, 2016/03-2016/12, PI.

7. Small to medium span bridge monitoring system for local road networks of Shandong Provincial Institute of Transportation Science, 2020/9-2022/12, PI.

8.Key technologies for intelligent monitoring, evaluation and control of vibration noise of traffic infrastructure,2023/6-2028/6, PI.

9.Nanjing Ministry of Transport, Prediction of environmental vibration and noise radiation of the underwater tunnel for Nanjing West Jianning Road crossing river project, Co PI.

Recent Publications

[1] Gong X Y, Song X D*, Cai C S, Li G Q, Xiong W. Early warning for abnormal strains of continuous bridges using a proposed temperature-strain mapping model [J]. Smart Materials and Structures, 2023,32:125018.

[2] Song X D*, Wu H, Jin H, Cai C S. Noise contribution analysis of a U-shaped girder bridge with consideration of frequency dependent stiffness of rail fasteners[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2023, 205: 109280.

[3] Gong X Y, Song X D*, Cai C S, Li G Q, Xiong W. A temperature-driven approach for quantitative assessment of strengthening effect of continuous bridges using structural health monitoring data[J]. Structural Health Monitoring, 2023,0(0):1-18.

[4] SongX D*, Lu W, Xiong W, Cai C S. Sound contribution of the low frequency underwater noise radiated from a suspension bridge [J]. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2023, 0(0): 1-17.

[5] Song X D*, Yin L M, Xiong W, Wu H, Cai C S. Underwater noise prediction and control of a cross river subway tunnel: an experimental and numerical study [J]. International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology, 2023.

[6] Song X D, Wu H, Xiong W*, Cai C S. Numerical investigation of vibration and noise radiation of a water supply pipeline[J]. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29: 51489-51506.

[7] SongX D*, Gong X Y, Li G Q, Xiong W, Cai C S. Continuous monitoring of in-service performance of prestressed concrete continuous bridges with two strengthening measures[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2022, 321: 126311.

[8] SongX D*, Huang Y L, Huang Q, Zheng H K. Fatigue behavior of GFRP-concrete composite decks: An experimental and numerical study[J]. Structural Engineering and Mechanics, 2021, 80(3): 301-312.

[9] Song X D*, Zhang X G, Xiong W, Guo Z M, Wang B. Experimental and numerical study on underwater noise radiation from an underwater tunnel[J]. Environmental Pollution, 2020, 267: 115536.

 [10] Song X D*, Li Q. Reconstruction of Low-frequency bridge noise using an inverse modal acoustic transfer vector method[J]. Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control, 2019,38(2): 224-243.

 [11] Song X D*, Li Q. Numerical and experimental study on noise reduction of concrete LRT bridges[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 643:208-224.

 [12] Song X D*, Li Q, Wu D J. Prediction of rail and bridge noise in near- and far-field: A combined 2.5-dimensional and two-dimensional method[J]. Journal of Vibration and Acoustics (ASME), 2017, 139(1): 011007-1-011007-10.

[13] Song X D, Wu D J, Li Q *, Botteldooren D. Structure-borne low-frequency noise from multi-span bridges: A prediction method and spatial distribution[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 367: 114-128.

 [14] Song X D*, Li Q, Wu D J. Investigation of rail noise and bridge noise using a combined 3D dynamic model and 2.5D acoustic model[J]. Applied Acoustics, 2016, 109: 5-17.

[15] Li Q, Li W Q, Wu D J, Song X D*. A combined power flow and infinite element approach to the simulation of medium-frequency noise radiated from bridges and rails[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 365:134-156.