新加坡管理大学王海老师——Muti-Objective Online Ride-Matching


应刘志远教授邀请,新加坡管理大学王海老师于2019729日上午10:00在交通学院大楼322会议室举行了一场题为“Muti-Objective Online Ride-Matching”的学术报告。报告由张文波老师主持,童蔚萍老师和相关专业的同学们参加了本次报告会。



Dr. Wang received a bachelor degree from Tsinghua University, dual Master’s degree in operations research and transportation from MIT, and Ph.D. from MIT Operations Research Center. He is now an Assistant Professor at Singapore Management University, and will visit and teach at Carnegie Mellon University from this fall. His research has focused on methodologies on operations research, data-driven modeling, computational algorithms, and machine learnings, and relevant applications in urban, transportation, logistics, and healthcare systems. Particularly, he is interested in on-demand service and shared transportation. He has papers published in Transportation Science, American Economic Review Papers & Proceedings, Manufacturing & Service Operations Management, and Transportation Research Part B: Methodological. He is serving as the guest-editor for the Special Issue on Innovative Shared Transportation in Transportation Research Part B, as reviewer for more than 20 academic journals, including MS, TS, M&SOM, POM, etc, and named as Chan Wui & Yunyin Rising Star Fellow in Transportation. During his Ph.D. at MIT, he also served as the co-President of MIT Chinese Students & Scholars Association and Chair of MIT-China Innovation and Entrepreneurship Forum.