





苏黎世联邦理工大学 (ETH Zürich) 迪士尼研究院 (Disney Research) 联合培养博士

苏黎世联邦理工大学 (ETH Zürich) 计算机专业 硕士

东南大学自动化专业 本科





赵涵韬师从事人机交互、虚拟现实及公共空间安全领域的研究,博士课题计算社会科学与响应式智能空间的研究得到瑞士国家科学基金委以及迪士尼研究院的资助,曾在加州迪士尼研究院和新加坡未来城市实验室进行学术访问,任多个人工智能、集群智慧、虚拟现实、公共空间安全研究等领域的国际期刊会议的审稿人,包括IEEE AIVR,Safety Science, Swarm Intelligence, IEEE Journal of Automatica,Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds,International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction。





计算机组成原理 秋季学期

语言课程设计 暑期学期

学术成果                                                                                                                                                    [1] Zhao H, Schwabe A, Schläfli F, Thrash T, Aguilar L, Dubey R K, Karjalainen J, Hölscher C, Helbing D, Schinazi V R. Fire evacuation supported by centralized and decentralized visual guidance systems[J]. Safety Science, 2022, 145: 105451.

[2] Liu X, He C, Zhao H, Jia J, Liu C. IEEE, 2021. ExteriorTag: automatic semantic annotation of BIM building exterior via voxel index analysis[J]. IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications, 2021, 41(3): 48–58.

[3] Liu X, He C, Zhao H, Jia J, Liu C. Wiley Online Library, 2021. Building information modeling indoor path planning: A lightweight approach for complex BIM building[J]. Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, 2021, 32(3–4): e2014.

[4] Li K, Zhang Q, Zhao H, Jia J. User Interests Driven Collaborative Cloud-Edge-Browser Architecture for WebBIM Visualization[C]. The 25th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 2020: 1–10.

[5] Piao X, Li Y, Xie K, Zhao H, Jia J. Towards Web3D-based Lightweight Crowd Evacuation Simulation[C]. The 25th International Conference on 3D Web Technology, 2020: 1–9.

[6] Zhao H, Thrash T, Kapadia M, Wolff K, Hölscher C, Helbing D, Schinazi V R. Assessing crowd management strategies for the 2010 Love Parade disaster using computer simulations and virtual reality[J]. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 2020, 17(167).

[7] Zhao H, Thrash T, Grossrieder A, Kapadia M, Moussaïd M, Hölscher C, Schinazi V R. The Royal Society, 2020. The interaction between map complexity and crowd movement on navigation decisions in virtual reality[J]. Royal Society open science, 2020, 7(3): 191523.

[8] Weibel R P, Grübel J, Zhao H, Thrash T, Meloni D, Hölscher C, Schinazi V R. Virtual reality experiments with physiological measures[J]. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018(138): e58318.

[9] Zhao H, Thrash T, Wehrli S, Hölscher C, Kapadia M, Grübel J, Weibel R P, Schinazi V R. A networked desktop virtual reality setup for decision science and navigation experiments with multiple participants[J]. Journal of Visualized Experiments, 2018(138): e58155.