1. 2022.12-2025.11:废弃工业大豆油基嵌段生物聚合物改性沥青机理及性能研究,国家自然科学基金青年项目
2. 2022/01-2022/12:南通市农村公路绿色建养关键技术研究与应用项目2021NLKY标段,南通市公路事业发展中心
3. 2021/04-2021/11:江苏省普通国省道预防性养护技术体系研究,江苏省交通运输厅公路事业发展中心
4. 2020/03-2021/01:测量沥青混合料中沥青的抗车辙性能的可持续的试验方法(Sustainable Test for Measuring Rutting Performance of Binders in Asphalt APT6213),澳洲道路协会(Austroads)
5. 2020/01-2021/01:用于沥青混合料与封层的橡胶沥青国家规范(National Specification for Crumb Rubber Binders in Asphalt and Seals APT6173),澳洲道路协会(Austroads)
6. 2019/11-2020/01:提高聚合物及橡胶改性沥青在喷洒封层技术中的应用(Improved Sprayed Sealing Practices for PMB and CRM Binders),澳大利亚国家卓越资产中心(National Asset Centre of Excellence)
7. 2016/01-2019/11:研发用于沥青材料中的生物聚合物改性剂:第二阶段(Development of Bio-Based Polymers for Use in Asphalt – Phase II, IA),美国爱荷华州交通局(Iowa DOT)及爱荷华州公路研究协会(Iowa Highway Research Board),
8. 2014/08-2015/12:研发用于沥青路面的可在再生的聚合物改性剂(Development of Renewable Polymers for Use in Asphalt Pavements),美国国家公路运输协会(AASHTO)、美国国家联邦公路局(FHWA)及美国国家公路合作研究项目(NCHRP)
马涛,廖公云,陈葱琳编著,功能路面结构与材料(Functional Pavement Structures and Materials),东南大学出版社,2022年4月
1. Chen, C., Lu, J., Ma, T., Zhang, Y., Gu, L., and Chen, X. (2023). Applications of vegetable oils and their derivatives as Bio-Additives for use in asphalt binders: A review. Construction and Building Materials. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2023.131312.
2. Chen, C., Lin, L., and Ma, T. (2022). Effects of Oil/Asphalt Emulsion Formulation on Particle Size and Stability. Transportation Research Record. https://doi.org/10.1177/03611981221100512
3. 马涛,陈葱琳*,张阳,张伟光. 胶粉应用于沥青改性技术的发展综述[J]. 中国公路学报,2021, 34(10): 1-16. https://doi.org/10.19721/j.cnki.1001-7372.2021.10.001.
4. Podolsky, J. H., Hohmann, A. D., Chen, C., Sotoodeh-Nia, Z., Manke, N., Saw, B., Hernández, N. B., Ledtje, P., Forrester, M., Williams, R. C., Cochran, E. W., and Huisman, T. (2022). Effect of Soybean Oil Derived Additives on Improved Performance of Polymer-Modified Asphalt Binder and Mix Containing 50% Fine-Graded RAP. Proceedings of the RILEM International Symposium on Bituminous Materials. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-46455-4_78.
5. Podolsky, J. H., Chen, C.*, Hernández, N. B., Williams, R. C., and Cochran, E. W. (2020). Low Temperature Performance of Hot Mix Asphalt using Vacuum Tower Distillation Bottoms modified with Bio-derived Rejuvenators according to the SCB Test. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2020.1739284
6. Chen, C.*, Williams, R. C., Podolsky, J. H., Hohmann, A. D., and Cochran, E. W. (2019). Effect of blending protocol on the performance of SBS/sulfur/soybean-derived additive composite modified asphalt binders. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. https://doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2019.1698741
7. Podolsky, J. H., Chen, C.*, Buss, A. F., Williams, R. C., and Cochran, E. W. (2019). Effect of Bio-derived/Chemical Additives on HMA and WMA Compaction and Dynamic Modulus Performance. International Journal of Pavement Engineering. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10298436.2019.1631453
8. Chen, C.*, Podolsky, J. H., Williams, R. C., & Cochran, E. W. (2018). Laboratory investigation of using acrylated epoxidized soybean oil (AESO) for asphalt modification. Construction and Building Materials. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2018.07.204
9. Chen, C.*, Podolsky, J. H., Williams, R. C., & Cochran, E. W. (2018). Rheological properties and effects of aging on acrylated epoxidised soybean oil monomer-modified asphalt binder. Road Materials and Pavement Design. https://doi.org/10.1080/14680629.2018.1491883
10. Chen, C.*, Podolsky, J. H., Hernández, N. B., Hohmann, A. D., Williams, R. C., and Cochran, E. W. (2017). Preliminary investigation of bioadvantaged polymers as sustainable alternatives to petroleum-derived polymers for asphalt modification. Materials and Structures. https://doi.org/10.1617/s11527-017-1097-4
11. Chen, C.*, Podolsky, J. H., Williams, R. C., & Cochran, E. W. (2017). Determination of the optimum polystyrene parameters using asphalt binder modified with poly (styrene-acrylated epoxidised soybean oil) through response surface modelling. Road Materials and Pavement Design. https://doi.org/10.1080/14680629.2017.1407354
12. Chen, C., Podolsky, J. H. *, Hernández, N. B., Hohmann, A. D., Williams, R. C., and Cochran, E. W. (2016). Use of bioadvantaged materials for use in bituminous modification. Transportation Research Procedia. http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.trpro.2016.05.427